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BUK4011 NVIVO - a method for analysis of qualititative data in Research & Development

    • Number of credits
    • Teaching semester
      2023 Autumn
    • Language of instruction
    • Campus
    • Required prerequisite knowledge

      Applicants need to be employed in higher education with a MA-degree (120 ECTS), or being registered as a PhD candidate.

Course content

The software package NVIVO is a feasible, comprehensive and versatile tool for researchers to have qualitative data and material coded, analysed and reported for a variety of purposes. One may import material and data in many formats; interviews or other events as transcripts, soundfiles or video, public documents, letters, social media et cetera. The course will give an overview of how to handle this abundance of material, process and analyse them and produce reports for research papers and other publications

To handle the most important fuctions in NVIVO, and gain an understanding of its proper and productive use in research and development work.

Necessary requirements:
It is necessary to have downloaded and installed software on the computer before the start of the course.

Tuition fee: NOK 3000,- (not applicable for PhD candidates and employees at HINN)

Learning Outcome

  • Knowing the principles of qualitative analysis in NVIVO
  • Becoming familiar with pitfalls and problems with import and export of data to and from the software
  • Knowing the theoretical dimensions of how data is produced and analysed in concrete projects, and pinpointing ethical, and scientific standards for qualitative analysis.
  • Develop an order and system in the research material in portfolios and files, and handling possible conversion issues between platforms
  • Create good routines and systems for coding and automation of relevant material
  • Getting a good grip on the phases and stages, varieties and coordination of strategies for doing proper analysis, as well as doing searches, models and reports from the material. 
General competence
  • To comprehend dilemmas in qualitative R & D in relation to responsibility towards participants, respondents, collaborators and recipients of reports.
  • Being able to reflect on critical issues of validity and reliability of the material.
Teaching and working methods

Pedagogical methods:

The course is introduced with basic informational lectures, and is continually driven with a mix of excercises and dicussions on matters listed above as goals for the course. Some of the teaching material is based on course material offered from NVIVO. Particpants are strongly urged to bring their own material to work with for the benefit of their project.

Language of instruction:

Depending on the instructor, the language will be offered in Scandinavian languages or English

Form of assessment

The participants produce a report in NVIVO about the essential workings of the software for classification, coding, organising cariables, creating memos and building models, preferably applied to the participants’ own material. An explanatory essay may support the NVIVO-report (max 1500 words).

Form of assessmentGrading scaleGroupingDuration of assessmentSupport materialsProportionComment
Written assignment
Passed - not passed
Faculty of Social and Health Sciences
Department of Social Science and Guidance