Technical Design: Building Information Modelling

Technical Design: Building Information Modelling

  • Study facts
    • Prog. Code
    • NQF Level
    • Credits
    • Valid from
    • Dated
    • Version
    • Study mode
      Full-time, Part-time
    • Program manager
About the programme

Technical Design: Building Information Modelling is an applied higher professional degree education in the field of Building Information Modelling (BIM). The programme provides competence required to manage and execute BIM projects through participation in disciplinary and inter-disciplinary projects.

The programme builds on competence from Technical Design: Architectural and focuses on practical skills that are used to execute BIM projects. Relevant practical work within the field will follow theory, and candidates are provided competence through professional workflows and pipelines used in the field of Building Information Handling, with special emphasis on creating and handling value-adding information. The academic structure of the programme consists of theory presented by the teacher, practical work with daily exercises, larger compulsory assignments and major projects. Several subjects and assignments can be facilitated for collaboration with fellow students across disciplines at Noroff.

The education is aimed towards people that want a career developing Building Information Models within building industry. The education is aimed at people with prior experience in the field of technical design and as further education for people with professional competence from the building, architectural and visualisation industries.

Learning Environment

The digital classroom
All students at Noroff have access to a digital classroom, referred to as the learning platform. Here the student can access relevant academic and practical information about the study programme. The learning platform also contains learning content, activities, delivery deadlines, work requirements and assessments for every course.

Online studies are flexible since students can study from anywhere and at their own pace according to the academic progression and scheduled deadlines. Students access their learning material for each course through the learning platform, and discussion forums are used for communication between fellow students and teachers. Lectures and live-stream sessions are not a part of the delivery model online but may be given as an add-on. 

As part of the campus community, students will have access to on-site teachers, guest lecturers, and other students during their learning journey. Students on campus study in modern working environments and have access to equipment used for practical training.

After graduation

Vocational education at Noroff can expand career opportunities and lay lifelong learning foundations. Throughout the programme, students will familiarise themselves with key competencies relevant for industry employment. Students who graduate with a higher professional degree may be eligible to enter one of our partner universities.  

Career opportunities 
After graduation, the candidate may qualify for work within these areas:

  • BIM Operator
  • BIM Technician
  • CAD Operator
  • Technical Drafter
  • Technical Designer
  • 3D visualiser
  • Software Consultant / Supplier
  • Self Employed
Learning Outcome

The Norwegian Qualifications Framework for lifelong learning (NQF) defines the levels of qualifications in the Norwegian educational system. These levels describe what a learner knows, understands, and can do as a result of a learning process. Categories in NQF are defined as:

Knowledge: Understanding theories, facts, principles, procedures in the discipline, subject area and/or occupation.
Skills: Ability to utilise knowledge to solve problems or tasks (cognitive, practical, creative and communication skills).
General Competence: Ability to independently utilise knowledge and skills in different situations.

After graduation from this programme, students have acquired the following learning outcomes:


The Candidate

  • has knowledge of project management, quality assurance and project documentation in building projects
  • has knowledge of methods, processes and tools that are used to improve workflows and reduce workload in Building Information Models • has knowledge of processes and tools that are used to professionally present his/her own work
  • ​can assess his/her own models, model integrations, technical documentation and information handling in relation to applicable standards, regulations and project requirements
  • is familiar with the building and construction industry, technical documentation, information handling and the professional application of building models
  • is familiar with procedures for obtaining, updating and handing over projects in relation to building models • has insight into his/her own opportunities to contribute in building projects and professional work within the building industry

The Candidate

  • can explain his/her own choices when planning, executing, optimizing and managing projects according to project specifications and deadline compliance
  • can explain his/her own choices for optimizing workflows and other improvements to project efficiency in a building project
  • can reflect over his/her own execution of disciplinary and inter-disciplinary projects and ability to make necessary modifications to meet project requirements
  • can reflect over his/her own project management and quality assurance in building projects
  • can reflect over his/her own problem-solving in building projects and adjust it under supervision
  • can find and refer to information about guidelines and procedures relevant to building projects and applicable regulations, requirements and standards
  • can find and refer to information about regulations and guidelines for responsible operations of his/her own company in the building industry
General Competence

The Candidate

  • can plan and carry out project management and quality assurance in disciplinary and interdisciplinary building projects from concept to final product, alone or as part of a group
  • can carry out development of visual scripts for Building Information Models
  • can plan a client project in accordance to projected deadlines, budgets, expected quality and carry out basic accounting
  • can plan and carry out projects with building models, technical documentation and analysis in accordance with project specifications
  • can exchange points of view with peers, in groups and industry professionals about best practices and solving problems in building projects
  • can contribute to the development of efficient workflows and detailed Building Information Models
  • can contribute to the development of start-up companies and entrepreneurship
Course Overview
Course code Course name Semester Weeks Hours Credits
FM1AR2D75 Technical Drawing 1 5 210 7.5
FM1AR3M75 3D Mechanical 1 5 210 7.5
FM1AR3A75 3D Architectural 1 5 210 7.5
FM1ARS175 Semester Project 1 2 84 7.5
FM1ARVI05 Visualisation 2 5 210 5
FM1ARAM75  Architectural Modelling 2 5 210 7.5
FM1ARBM75  Building Information Modelling 2 5 210 7.5
FM1ARCP05 CAD Project 2 2 84 5
FM1AREP05 Exam Project 2 4 168 5
FM2ARPM25 Project Management 3 2 84 2.5
FM2ARBM25 Building Methodology 3 2 84 2.5
FM2ARCM25 Concept Modelling 3 2 168 2.5
FM2ARVP75 Visual Programming 3 4 168 7.5
FM2ARBS75 Building Simulations 3 5 210 7.5
FM2ARS275 Semester Project 2 3 2 84 7.5
FM2ARIK05 Industry Knowledge 4 3 126 5
FM2ARMC25 Model Coordination 4 2 84 2.5
FM2ARIH05 Information Handling 4 5 210 5
FM2ARWE75 Work Experience 4 6 252 7.5
FM2ARP275 Exam Project 2 4 4 168 7.5
FM2ARP025 Portfolio 4 1 42 2.5
Total 78 3276 120


Course Models
Technical Design Building Information Modelling
CourseCourse type2024 Autumn2025 Spring2025 Autumn2026 Spring
Core course
Core course
Core course
Core course
Core course
Core course
Core course
Core course
Core course
Core course
Core course
Core course
Core course
Core course
Core course
Core course
Core course
Core course
Core course
Core course
Core course
Teaching and Learning

Noroff offers an engaging and student-active learning experience that prepares candidates for professional working life through unique and industry-relevant teaching and learning activities governed by the current learning outcomes. Teaching and learning engage students in the learning process by promoting a holistic understanding of the different issues and challenges relevant to the subject areas. By fostering critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, and communication, students will develop lifelong learning skills. 

Activities can vary for campus and online delivery and are composed of theoretical and practical approaches, providing students with the best possible outcome for each course. Noroff distinguishes between teacher and student-led activities. Both are equally important and tailored to each course’s educational approach. Teaching and Learning activities used in the courses are outlined in the course descriptions. 

For all online studies, English is the primary language for teaching. English can also be used as the teaching language on some campuses.

Work Requirements and Assessment

Assessment impacts the student’s learning significantly and concludes if the student has achieved the intended learning outcome and, if so, at what level. Assessments include summative and formative methods depending on the content of the learning outcome of each course.

A course usually consists of one or more work requirements. The most common is compulsory course assignments that assess the acquired competencies outlined in the course learning outcomes. Course assignments are assessed as Passed/Failed or graded from A to F, after which verbal or written feedback is provided. Tests can also evaluate students’ achievements and are usually used in combination with compulsory assignments.

Online studies may also require students to deliver one or more compulsory module assignments during a course. This is to follow up and support the online students’ learning path. Module assignments can be used as learning activities for campus students.

Work requirements and assessment methods for each course are described in the course descriptions.

Equipment Requirements

Information about equipment requirements is available on our webpage - Extended programme information.

Online students are required to purchase and maintain their equipment.

Admission requirements

There are three ways to meet the admission criteria and be enrolled as a student: 

  1. By upper secondary education (videregående skole) 
    • Higher education entrance qualification from Norway or abroad 
  2. By Norwegian vocational upper secondary education  
    • Documented vocational qualifications diploma (yrkeskompetanse) within the norwegian educations; Bygg- og anleggsteknikk, Håndverk, design og produktutvikling, Teknologi og industrifag.
    • Documented craft certificate (fag og svennebrev) within he norwegian educations: Tømrer, Dimensjonskontrollør, Fagoperatør i Grafisk produksjonsteknikk, Industrioppmåler, Industrirørlegger, Industrisnekker, Modellbygger, Møbelsnekker. Elektrikker, Energimontør, Heismontør, Signalmontør, Telekommunikasjonsmontør, Togelektrikker.Skipselektrikker.Annleggsrørlegger, Blikkenslager, Rørlegger, Byggdrifter, Brannforebygger, Ventilasjonsteknikker.
  3. Prior learning and work experience   

More information about admission requirements is available on our webpage under Admission Requirements.