VU2NOIS One-year study programme in Norwegian language and culture

One-year study programme in Norwegian language and culture

    • Number of credits
    • Part-time/full-time
    • Start semester
      2024 Autumn
    • Language of instruction
    • Campus

This one-year programme runs part-time over four semesters and results in 60 ECTS credits. It is composed of four courses, corresponding to three levels. Level 3 consists of two courses and runs over two semesters.

The study programme is part-time.

Students may apply to be admitted to each level separately, but their Norwegian language skills must be documented. Only Level 1 exempts students from prerequisite knowledge of Norwegian.

Programme structure and content

The programme is composed of four 15 ECTS-credit courses. A successfully completed course gives access to the subsequent course the programme. There is no required prerequisite knowledge in Norwegian for course 1, as this is mostly taught in English. Course 2 and beyond requires prerequisite knowledge in Norwegian. Course 3 and 4 correspond to one level, but in individual cases, admission can be granted to course 4 only. This primarily applies to students with Norwegian as a second language who need extra training in writing Norwegian academic texts. Emphasis is put on language skills adapted to the target group, as well as culture and civics. The description of each course provides more detailed information.

Course Models
Årsstudium i norsk språk og kultur
  • T - Teaching subject
  • E - Elective course
  • M - Mandatory course
  • P - Professional training
CourseType2024 A2025 S2025 A2026 S
About the study

The one-year programme in Norwegian is primarily for beginners in Norwegian, but students with skills exceeding the beginner’s level can also apply. Level 3, corresponding to courses 3 and 4, is also well suited for students with Norwegian as a second language.

Students who have successfully complete the programme will have acquired sufficient Norwegian skills to follow studies taught in Norwegian.

Learning Outcome

A candidate who has completed his or her qualification should have the following learning outcomes defined in terms of knowledge, skills and general competence:

Learning outcome - Knowledge

The candidate

  • has in-depth knowledge about the structure of the Norwegian language
  • has broad insight into language conditions in Norway
  • has broad knowledge about the key features of Norwegian culture and society
Learning outcome - Skills

The candidate

  • can express her/himself clearly in spoken communication
  • can understand spoken Norwegian well
  • can read and write Norwegian well, including academic texts
Learning outcome - General competence

The candidate

  • has the necessary language skills to complete studies where the medium of instruction and course literature is in Norwegian
  • can stay informed about events in Norway and the world in general through Norwegian media 
Teaching and working methods

The training consists of teaching at Campus Hamar, individual work, and activities on the digital learning platform Canvas. The course is work-intensive, and great emphasis is placed on the students' own written and oral activity and efforts.

Target group
  • people of foreign background wanting to acquire Norwegian skills to qualify for admission to higher education and/or the labour market
  • exchange students
  • students with Norwegian as a second language who want to improve their Norwegian skills (courses 3 and 4)
  • employees in higher education with foreign backgrounds

Admission requirements

Higher education entrance qualification

Applicants need to meet the requirements for Higher Education Entrance Qualification, including English language proficiency requirements. Applicants are exempted from Norwegian language proficiency requirements.

Applicants must either be EU/EEA-citizens, or already residents in Norway.

Applicants from outside the EU/EEA-countries must document valid resident permits in Norway for the entire period of study.

Career prospects and further studies

Completing and passing this programme will meet the Norwegian language requirements for admission to higher education.


The programme has an international perspective due to the diverse backgrounds of the student body. The programme recruits students of various cultural backgrounds.

Information- and source competence

In course 3 and 4, the students will write academic texts in Norwegian. The students will develop skills within searching, considering and referring to information and academic sources in their academic work. This is an academic key competence, and a basis for life-long learning. In cooperation with the academic environment, the university library thus offers courses in subject specific searching, reference technique, source criticism and plagiarism issues. All students are expected to be critical to information sources and to use these sources in a correct manner in all their academic work throughout their studies. Violations to the rules about the use of sources are regulated in the Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences Regulations for Admission, Studies and Exams.

Research based teaching

Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences has a large and active research group investigating Norwegian as a second language.


Semester fee

Assessment methods

Each course concludes with a written and oral examinations. Each course has lesson attendance requirements and coursework requirements that must be met to qualify to sit for examination. The descriptions of each course provide more detailed information.

All partial exam components in a course must be passed in order to pass the course.

Exams are graded on a scale from A to F. A is the highest pass grade and E is the lowest pass grade.

Faculty of Education