B2VISIM Bachelor in Game Technology and Simulation

Bachelor in Game Technology and Simulation

    • Number of credits
    • Part-time/full-time
    • Start semester
      2024 Autumn
    • Language of instruction
    • Campus

The programme is suited for those with an interest in graphics, programming, design and visualization, and who want to combine artistic creativity and advanced programming to develop computer games. The program focuses on developing both the technical and creative abilities of the students and teaches techniques for building visual systems and developing software for both creative industries and engineering fields.

Game technology covers a vast area, including simulation, system analyses, programming, game design and mathematics and evolves into complex software systems. Society requires competent professionals with knowledge of the latest technology, dissemination of information, interactive processes, system understanding, and game design for different user groups.

Programme structure and content

The first year of studies provides basic knowledge and an understanding of programming, mathematics and general content production and pipeline in a game production. In the second and third year of studies, students learn more about game development, 3D programming, systems thinking and simulation. 

The final project (Bachelor thesis) is worth 30 credits, where groups of students with different areas of competence from the Game School's bachelor programmes work together on a project. The project can be carried out in collaboration with the business sector.

The course Bachelor thesis is devided between the 5th and 6th semester. Part 1 in the 5th semester focuses on the pre-production phase and entrepreneurship. In the pre-production phase the students will plan for part 2 in the 6th semester, which is the production phase.

The courses that make up the study programme and the progress are specified in the course list below.

The programme requires students to put in a great effort. In order to prepare themselves for work within this field, it is important that they set aside a considerable amount of time for self-study. On certain courses, assignments must be submitted on a weekly basis in order for students to make the necessary progress and achieve a sufficiently high level of skills.

About the study

The game industry is experiencing constant growth, and the possibilities are endless. 

Game technology covers a vast area, including simulation, systemthinking, programming, game design and mathematics, and is associated with development of complex computer systems. Experience is increasingly important in society, in education, work, and in leisure. Society requires competent professionals with knowledge of the latest technology, dissemination of information, interactive processes, systemthinking and game design for different user groups.

The Bachelor's programme in Game Technology and Simulation provides a solid vocational and academic education. Through in-depth studies in computer science combined with cross-disciplinary game projects, students will become a skilled game- and software developers and be able to solve problems, think holistically, understand and communicate at all levels throughout the whole development process.

The programme collaborates with municipalities in the region, local and national industry, Hamarregionen Utvikling, to teach students how they can start their own business. Certain courses in the programme introduce entrepreneurship, with the purpose to prepare students for working life as employees or entrepreneurs with their own business. To be able to start their own business students are advised search for information from outside sources in addition to what is taugh as a part of the study programme.

Learning Outcome

A candidate who has completed the programme has the following total learning outcomes, defined by knowledge, skills and general competence.

Learning outcome - Knowledge

The candidate

  • has knowledge of the historical development of today's games, media and communications society 

  • has knowledge of critical thinking, communication and problem solving related to interactive systems 

  • has knowledge of development of computer systems

  • has knowledge of the academic subjects that provide the foundation for game technology and simulation 

  • has knowledge of national and international research and development work of relevance to game technology and simulation, and knows how to update their knowledge in the field 

  • knows how to use different types of digital tools effectively and systematically 

Learning outcome - Skills

The candidate

  • is able to use development methods and processes from idea to finished product  

  • is familiar with the use of technology subjects like programming, mathematics, networks and databases (cloud systems)

  • understands the production pipeline in game development, from content production to gameengine setup

  • is able to reflect on their own professional practice and adapt it under supervision  

  • is able to apply professional knowledge and relevant results from research and development work within the information science subjects that provide a foundation for interactive production 

  • is able to find, evaluate, use and make reference to relevant research and development work, artistic development work and other academic material 

  • is able to apply critical thinking, logic, communication and problem solving  

  • is able to solve technological problems creatively – has basic competence that allows new thinking and innovation 

Learning outcome - General competence

The candidate

  • is able to plan and execute varied tasks and projects over an extended period of time, alone and as part of a group, and in accordance with ethical requirements and guidelines 

  • has an understanding of relevant issues of professional ethics, and is able to make a contribution to a professional community 

  • is able to inspire and facilitate entrepreneurship, new thinking and innovation, and the involvement of local working, social and cultural life 

  • is able to disseminate key academic material orally and in writing, take part in professional discussions within the subject area and share their knowledge and experiences with others 

Teaching and working methods

The education is based on lectures, practical exercises, study groups/group work, presentations and self-study. The online learning platform Canvas is used in the teaching.

Most courses have a practical approach, with considerable emphasis on problem solving, and contain compulsory individual and group coursework requirements. 

In many of the courses, the students collaborate with students from the Bachelor's programme in Animation and Digital Art. This makes this one of the best and most comprehensive game development communities in Scandinavia. The collaboration offers a unique understanding of the big picture and the need for interdisciplinary productions. 

To a large extent, students must use their own computers with relevant software.

Target group

The target group for this programme is Norwegian and international applicants who want to work with development and operation of computer systems in the business sector, the entertainment industry, the game industry and related fields. The programme is suitable for students who are interested in games, natural science, and technology. 

For students who want to apply for this programme, it is a prerequisite that they have studied Mathematics R1 (S1 and S2) or equivalent, in addition to meeting the meet the general admission requirements for higher education (generell studiekompetanse/realkompetanse).

Admission requirements

Higher education entrance qualification

In addition, mathematics level R1 (S1 og S2) or equivalent is required.

Admission ranking
Applicants to the program are ranked in accordance with the Regulations for Admission to Higher Education §7
Career prospects and further studies

The programme provides a sound vocational education, and opportunities for work in game development, simulator development and more traditional programming. 

The programme is also an academic education that qualifies students to apply to studies at the Master's level. 


Students have the opportunity to study at a foreign educational institution during the 6th semester. The study abroad must be approved by Inland university of applies sciences in advance, so that the courses done at the foreign educational institution can be incorporated into the student's study plan.

Students who are planning to study abroad can take the course SPIS2000 Preproject exchange instead of SPIS2900 Bachelor thesis. SPIS2000 Preproject exchange will be completed during the 5th semester so that students who are going on exhange are able to complete 150 credits before going abroad.

The 6th semester is the recommended time for students to study abroad. However, it is also possible to study abroad during the 3rd, 4th or 5th semester. It is a requirement that the exchange is compatible with the study programme at Inland university of applies sciences so that the student does not fall behind in the study programme.

Information- and source competence

Students will develop skills in searching for, assessing, and referring to information and subject matter in their academic work. This is a key piece of academic competence and the basis for lifelong learning. Therefore, in collaboration with the academic communities, the University Library offers instruction in searching for subject-specific information, referencing technique, source criticism and problems associated with plagiarism. It is expected that all students have a critical attitude towards sources of information and use these sources appropriately in all academic work throughout their entire course of study. Breaches of the rules regarding the use of sources are regulated in the Regulations relating to admission, studies and examinations at Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences. 

Research based teaching

The programme is kept updated through the use of new literature, research and methods. 

Students can work with internal and external parties on research and development projects. 

Assessment methods

Alphabetical grades are used, on a scale from A to F, with E as the lowest passing grade. Different forms of assessment are used, including individual written exams and individual and group-based portfolio assessments.

For certain courses approved compulsory requirements are only valid for 12 months from the end of the semester they were approved. Students who wish to do the exam after the 12 months have passed have to redo the compulsory requirements and get them approved again. See course descriptions to find which courses this applies to.

Faculty for Film, TV and Games
Department of Game Development - The Game School