MAMØL Master's Degree in Business Administration - Business Analytics

Master's Degree in Business Administration - Business Analytics

    • Number of credits
    • Part-time/full-time
      Full-time, Part-time
    • Start semester
      2024 Autumn
    • Language of instruction
    • Campus
Programme structure and content

Master in Business Administration is a course-based master’s degree programme of 120 credits, with a duration of 2 years for full-time students. The programme offers both full-time and part-time options.
The two years full-time master’s programme is divided into 4 semesters each of 30 ECTS credits. The four years
part-time programme is divided into 8 semesters each of 15 ECTS credits. Admission to the programme is based on 3 years of bachelor studies with a major in business administration.

The master’s programme consists of an area of specialization courses (major) management accounting and control of 45 ECTS credits, an area of supporting courses (minor) in marketing management and service of 22,5 ECTS credits, an area of courses in social science methods and statistics of 22,5 ECTS credits and a master’s thesis of 30 ECTS credits. In addition the study program consists of elective courses of at least 7,5 ECTS credits within in the field of the minor.
The programme’s structure complies with the recommendations of the National Council for Economic and Administrative Education (NRØA) for two-year master’s programmes, including requirements for both academic specialization and general knowledge. The programme specializes in management accounting and control, and this will be specified on the diploma issued to successful graduates.

The programme provides specialized competence in management accounting and control. In addition, the programme provides advanced knowledge of marketing management and hones the candidate’s analytic skills, and this combination provides the candidate with a versatile competence that prepares him or her for a wide range of careers. Candidates are qualified for managerial positions in organizations that need highly qualified and competent managers who are able to work with market framework conditions, while maintaining a focus on internal positioning, management and control within the organization. The master’s degree programme primarily educates candidates for management or specialist positions within service and information enterprises as well as manufacturing enterprises and the public sector.

Course Models

Master's Degree in Business Administration is awarded in accordance with the Regulations on Degrees and Titles Protected by Law of 16 December 2005 (No. 1574).
The nominal length of study for the degree is 2 years and it comprises 120 ECTS credits. One completed year of study has nominally 60 ECTS credits.
Master's Degree in Business Administration is a qualification that is part of second cycle/level 7 in the Norwegian Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning, approved by the Ministry of Education and Research on 15.12.2011.

About the study

Upon completing the two-year programme, the students earn the degree Master of Science in Business Administration. Provided certain admission requirements are met, students also earn the right to use the supplementary title “Siviløkonom” (an academic degree used in Norway and some other countries). The programme prepares students for management and research responsibilities at a high organizational level in both the private and public sectors. The programme’s structure complies with the recommendations of the Universities Norway (UHR) – Economics and Administration for two-year master’s programmes [1], including requirements for both academic specialization and competence.

All students completing the programme will have a high-level competence in strategic management, marketing and financial management. The programme provides the student with a versatile competence that prepares him or her for challenging positions in the industry, and for the public and private sectors as a leader, specialist or an advisor. The programme, which has a strong foundation in research-based knowledge, qualifies students for doctoral studies and a career in research.
The programme posits that the enterprise is forever faced with two central issues related to external and internal efficiency, i.e., doing the right things and doing things right.

By “doing the right things”, one questions whether the enterprise is appropriately positioned, given its competition and market developments, as well as whether collaborations in existing value constellations and systems yield the desired results. “Doing things right” focuses on achieving the vision or goals the enterprise has established for itself. This promotes a long-term strategic focus within the enterprise, making sure it is adaptable in response to ever-changing external circumstances. In short, doing the right things is a recipe for how to succeed in the market.
By “doing things right”, one focuses on the value-creation process itself—maximizing creation at the desired quality using a minimum of resources. In this process, it is important to focus on managing and controlling all processes and resources used by the enterprise in its value-creation.

To succeed, the enterprise must strike a good balance between the two; it must do the right things and do things right. The programme provides specialized competence through its main profile—Business Analytics—which gives students specialized insights into the financial incentives and mechanisms that affect a company. Further, the programme will provide necessary competence within analytics which enables students to perform key tasks in an enterprise. With this competence, a graduate can provide analytical insights that the company can utilize to best profit from the surrounding economic environment. Some examples of analytical skills include:

  • providing reports including descriptive analyses and visualisation of historical data important to the company,
  • developing models to support policy makers in the company, e.g., within investment analysis, financial analysis or demand analysis and
  • deciding the optimal size of the input mix in production, prices or other relevant variables in the company’s operations.

In addition, the programme will focus particularly on analytical skills in an innovative perspective, such as determining how new enterprises can be funded and analytical methods be utilised in financial decisions for entrepreneurs, and on innovation processes in general. A key aspect in the context of innovations is that decisions are made under uncertain conditions.

Learning Outcome

Successful students will have acquired the following overall learning outcomes, categorized as knowledge, skills and general competence by the end of the programme.

Learning outcome - Knowledge

Learning outcome - Knowledge

By the end of the programme, the student will:

  • have an advanced knowledge of strategic management, marketing and management accounting, and have control in a service perspective and will be able to combine this knowledge to better understand economic growth and control within businesses (K1),
  • have specialized insight into a business’ economic growth through detailed knowledge of theories, models and methods used within Business Analytics and, in combination with economic competence, turn this into an essential understanding of the business’ tasks, situations and environment (K2),
  • have thorough knowledge of scientific theories, research processes and methods customized to issues within Business Analytics such as making decisions under uncertainty (K3) and
  • be able to apply the knowledge of new topics within the disciplines of Economics and Business Administration and can analyse academic issues based on the history, traditions, characteristics and foundation of the society through Business Analytics (K4).
Learning outcome - Skills

Learning outcome - Skills

The student can:

  • analyse and assess different sources of information, and analyse empirical data to structure and formulate academic arguments with the goal of planning long term strategies and efficiency within management and control (S1),
  • analyse and relate critical to existing theories, methods and interpretations within strategic management, marketing and management accounting and control (S2),
  • utilize relevant research methods independently to facilitate business economic growth by the development of strategies, management systems, market relations and new business opportunities (S3),
  • relate the issue at hand, the context and the data in the chosen method and, further, implement an independent, defined research or development project within Business Analytics, in line with current research ethical norms, with guidance from a supervisor (S4) and
  • apply the analytical perspective in practical and theoretical solutions within Business Analytics (S5).
Learning outcome - General competence

Learning outcome - General competence

The student can:

  • analyse relevant academic, professional and research ethical issues, and relate to ethical issues tied to business’ strategic and tactical choices (G1),
  • apply achieved knowledge and skills in performing management tasks, and conduct advanced studies, analyses and projects, alone and in collaboration with others (G2),
  • convey comprehensive, independent work both orally and in writing, and master the forms of expressions that apply within economics and management (G3),
  • communicate with business stakeholders and the public on academic issues, analyses and conclusions within economics and management, and possess the preconditions to work in an international context (G4) and
  • take advantage of opportunities that lie in digital development and contribute to business change and innovation processes (G5).
Teaching and working methods

The working methods facilitate active work with issues that are relevant to the field of practice and which means that the students gain ownership of their own learning process and study in a way that has transfer value to working life. The teaching will be based on a combination of lectures, presentations, discussions, cases, exercises and assignments. The method subjects include training and practice in the use of statistical programs and other IT-based analysis tools. Various forms of ICT-supported teaching will be included in the pedagogical toolbox. Case teaching is used as a method to achieve learning outcomes that deal with being able to apply theories and methods to practical problems and practice the ability to reflect and analyze. Case is understood here in a broad sense, and can vary from more limited examples, both real and constructed, to case assignments developed specifically to analyze complex issues.

The study requires that the student set aside time for individual work and immersion in the curriculum literature, but group activities are also very central to the study. Through group activities, skills are developed in collaboration, presentation, communicating within the subject, as well as giving and receiving constructive feedback. In the periods between the assemblies, it is assumed that the students work both individually and in groups with preparations and follow-up work related to the learning activities at the assemblies. Group work can take place both by the students meeting physically or by various forms of electronic communication. All courses have compulsory work requirements in the form of written assignments, and in some cases exercises, which must be delivered before each teaching session.

Compulsory work requirements should help to ensure that students achieve the learning outcomes, as well as practice general skills that are important in working life. In most subjects, two of the work requirements are to be solved individually and two are to be solved in groups, while in the method subjects you work in groups throughout with tasks that follow the various steps in the research process. Through work on the compulsory assignments, the students prepare for the upcoming assembly by reading the curriculum literature and reflecting on key issues related to the learning outcomes that are focused on in the upcoming assembly. Compulsory work requirements in groups should also help to train cooperation skills, create a culture of professional sharing and provide practice in exchanging professional views with others. Overall, the compulsory work requirements provide a basis for being able to reflect and discuss with teachers and fellow students at the teaching assembly, and the students' work is drawn into the teaching in various ways. Written work requirements generally also provide practice in writing academic texts. In some of the subjects, an oral presentation is also included, so that the students get practice in presenting subject matter orally. In methods subjects, technical skills in the use of software are also practiced.

The teaching activities in assembly are based on the students coming prepared for the lesson by having read the syllabus for the relevant assembly, as well as handing in a written work in advance (see compulsory work requirements in the individual subjects). Expected total work effort per subject is 187.5-225 hours (in accordance with the ECTS standard).

The study has 120 credits and is completed full-time over two years or part-time over four years. A workload of 1500 - 1800 hours per year is calculated for full-time students and 750-900 hours per year for part-time students. This involves both activities organized by the college, and the effort the individual student puts in in the form of self-study.

Target group

The target group for the study is people who have a bachelor's degree or equivalent, with specialization in economics and management. This is with a view to being able to enter management og high-level research functions within business or the public sector, or with a view to further doctoral studies and possibly a research career.

Admission requirements

Opptakskravet er en bachelorgrad i økonomi administrasjon eller tilsvarende avsluttet utdanning. Utdanningen må tilfredsstillende fagkravene tilsvarende Bachelor i økonomi og administrasjon/Bachelor i økonomi og ledelse (anbefalt plan fra Nasjonalt råd for økonomisk-administrativ utdanning). Det vil si at man må ha minst 120 studiepoeng innen økonomisk-administrative fag som må dekke følgende spesifikke fagkrav innenfor følgende intervaller:

  • Bedriftsøkonomiske fag: 30 – 45 studiepoeng   
  • Administrative fag: 30 – 45 studiepoeng   
  • Samfunnsøkonomiske fag: 15 – 30 studiepoeng   
  • Metodefag: 20 – 30 studiepoeng   
  • Etikk, samfunnsansvar og bærekraft: 7,5 – 15 studiepoeng  

(Det siste punktet i listen ovenfor ble inkludert i den reviderte rammeplanen fra november 2018. Dette betyr at for studenter som fullfører bachelorprogrammene som ikke har implementert dette nye kravet, fortsatt kan søke og bli tatt opp for en stund fremover til masterstudiet.)

Alle underkategorier må dekkes. Dersom du har en Bachelor i økonomi og administrasjon fra et norsk lærested oppfyller du disse fagkravene.

Gjennomsnittskarakter må være C eller bedre.

Admission ranking
Applicants to the study are ranked according to the Regulations on Admission, Programmes of study and Examinations at Inland University
Career prospects and further studies

Completed studies lead to the degree "Master of Science in Business Administration" (Siviløkonom).

The study provides an applicable competence which means that the candidates will be able to enter a wide range of challenging positions in the service sector, industry and the public sector, as a manager, specialist or adviser. The study provides the basis for admission to the PhD education Innovation in service provision – public and private (INTOP) at Høgskolen i Innlandet. The study will also be able to provide a basis for admission to PhD education in business economics/economics and administration at other Norwegian and foreign universities and colleges. More detailed requirements for admission to a PhD study are decided by the individual institution that provides PhD education.

Main profile 'Business Analytics' provides specialized expertise in decision support for businesses by utilizing available data to say something about the consequences of different decisions under different conditions. Combined with advanced knowledge, technical insight and understanding of the digital framework as well as knowledge and skills within analysis, the main profile provides an applicable competence that provides opportunities for a varied career. The candidates can enter positions where a deep understanding of how to make use of the ever-increasing amount of data is required, in order to improve the decision-making processes in the business. Decisions often have to be made under uncertainty, and the competence the students gain through the main profile Business Analytics should enable them to improve the decision-making processes through increased knowledge to help the business achieve the goals that have been set. Concrete examples of positions and functions that the candidates can fill can be Chief Analytical Officer or Digital Analyst in small and medium-sized companies, head of technology and business analysis in industrial or service businesses, market analyst or Product strategy and business developer, as well as advisor/consultant in the public and private sector.


International conditions affect the company's framework conditions, access to resources, markets, networks and relationships. In the study, international perspectives are treated as an integral part of the various subjects. The study plan also includes the elective Strategic alliances and internationalisation, which goes deeper into these contexts.

Internationalization plays a key role in the main Business Analytics profile. The main profile is intended to recruit from an international environment so that the profile receives both Norwegian and foreign students. Business Analytics is therefore conducted in its entirety in English as the language of instruction, but we retain the possibility that the subjects will be offered in both Norwegian and English in the future. The study profile will have a particular international focus. The profile will ensure that graduated candidates, in addition to having an understanding of Norwegian businesses, also have the competence to see interaction, competition and available information in an international context. We also do the international recruitment that particularly includes this profile in order to work for the other profiles in the study, which are initially offered in Norwegian, to gradually approach more of an international market. There will therefore be a focus on recruiting foreign applicants for the main Business Analytics profile.

All the disciplines included in the studies are international research fields. A significant part of the curriculum literature is in English and taken from international journals and teacher's books. In several of the subjects, the student will meet guest lecturers from foreign colleges and universities, as well as permanent lecturers with international experience.

Master of science in Business Administration is designed so that the electives offered in the autumn semester (third semester of the full-time study) are offered to international students from HINN's partner universities. 

Students can apply for an exchange stay for one semester at a foreign educational institution. Exchange stays are primarily carried out at institutions with which the college has an exchange agreement. The study plan provides for an exchange stay in the third semester for full-time students, but it may also be possible to extend the exchange stay with the fourth semester or go on exchange in the second semester. Part-time students will also have the option of an exchange stay, but it may then be appropriate to study full-time while on exchange. It may also be possible to take a single subject (elective subject) abroad in the form of a summer course or by taking one or more master's subjects with assembly-based teaching at the School of Economics at Karlstad University.

Students who plan to complete parts of their degree abroad must have their planned stay approved in advance by the college on the basis of subject descriptions and syllabus lists from foreign institutions, as well as statements from subject supervisors within relevant subject areas at the College of the Interior. One semester's stay at a foreign institution must give a total of at least 30 ECTS at master's level. Elective subjects must be put together so that, overall, you achieve the number of credits within the main profile and the supporting profile that is specified in the study plan, and entry is sought for compulsory subjects. It is relatively common for subjects at foreign institutions to have a scope of either 5, 6 or 10 credits. In such cases, some flexibility can be exercised in the number of credits (+/- 2.5 credits) within each subject category as long as the overall learning outcomes are achieved and 30 credits are achieved overall during the semester. 

Information- and source competence

The students will develop skills in finding and utilizing high-quality professional information resources within their subject areas, both in education and professional practice. Information literacy is the ability to locate, evaluate and use information and subject matter for one's own needs. This is a professional key competence and basis for lifelong learning. The university library offers courses in information literacy both on campus and online, see the university's website. The teaching emphasizes reference technique, source criticism, plagiarism and subject-specific searching. It is expected that all students have a critical attitude towards information sources and use these sources correctly in all written work throughout the course. Violations of the rules on the use of sources are regulated in the Regulations on admission, studies and examinations at Høgskolen i Innlandet.

Research based teaching

The study has several approaches to research-based teaching.

Teacher-centered teaching where the content is research-based: The curriculum of the study is based on a combination of conceptual and empirical scientific articles and other research-based literature that is actively used in teaching. The academic staff's own research publications can be included in the syllabus where it is relevant and clarifies the link between the academic environment's research activity and the study.

Teacher-centred teaching that focuses on the research process and scientific way of thinking: Early in the first semester, students receive training in how scientific articles are structured and an offer of a seminar in academic writing. A large range of scientific articles on the syllabus means that the students get an insight into research processes and scientific thinking right from the start, and thus an early basis for reflecting on and discussing research processes and scientific thinking. The academic staff give the students an insight into their own research work by presenting research in progress. The understanding of the research process and methods is further developed through the method topics and the entire process of the master's thesis, where the compulsory work requirements also provide experience with oral presentation of preliminary work, as well as giving and receiving feedback through the opponent system. Scholars from the INTOP PhD program also contribute to teaching and share experiences from their work.

Teaching where the students actively participate in a discussion of a research-based content: Discussion of different theoretical perspectives, methods and research results is included in the various subjects and is emphasized in lectures and in assignments. Through work on compulsory work requirements with subsequent discussions in class, take-home exams and term papers, the student will discuss both conceptual and practical issues with the help of results from both conceptual and empirical research. In connection with the master's thesis, there are compulsory seminars where students get practice in examining a scientific work and participating in a discussion in a scientific forum.

Teaching where the student is part of "investigative" learning processes: Some of the courses have more comprehensive semester assignments that are structured as an R&D process. In the work on the master's thesis, the students carry out an independent research project under supervision. The study is anchored within the faculty's research work, which gives the opportunity for student involvement in the academic community's research activity, including through the master's thesis or involvement as a learning/scientific assistant.


Semester fee

Assessment methods

The following exam forms will be used in the study:

  • Individual school exam, 4 hours
  • Home exam (48 hours or 7 days) 
  • Semester assignment (individual or group) 
  • Master's thesis, in groups of 2 people (exceptionally individual), with a final oral exam

The exam forms can be combined. Examples of this are:

  • 4 hour written, individual school exam (counts for 60% of the grade) and 
  • semester assignment in a group of up to three people (counts for 40% of the grade). 

All exam forms are assessed with graded letter grades from A-F, where E is the lowest standing grade. Assistive devices must be specified for all exam forms.

The exam forms have been selected based on the unique nature of the subjects and learning outcomes. Variation in assessment forms and consideration of the study's overall learning outcomes are also taken into account. The assessment is largely based on home exams and term papers. These forms of assessment give students the opportunity to refer to research-based literature and build up more comprehensive academic texts in various formats, where you have to combine knowledge, skills and general competence within the subject. Semester assignments have also been chosen as the form of examination in the method subjects, so that the students will be able to carry out methodological analyzes using various types of analysis tools, based on a case that is worked on throughout the semester. In some of the subjects, two forms of assessment are combined in order to be able to assess different types of learning outcomes in the subject and/or to also assess individual achievements in subjects where semester assignments are carried out in groups. The study ends with an oral exam, where the master's thesis is defended.

Area of study
Økonomisk-administrativ utdanning
Programme of study
Master of Science in Business Administration - majoring in Business Analytics
Inland School of Business and Social Sciences
Department of Business Administration
Academic level: 
Two-year master's degree (580-M2)
Approved date
Friday, 11. August 2023
Approval signature