GRAVA AR, VR and AI: Potential and Possibilities

AR, VR and AI: Potential and Possibilities

    • Number of credits
    • Part-time/full-time
    • Start semester
      2024 Autumn
    • Language of instruction
    • Campus
Programme structure and content

The program structure comprises diverse modules starting with fundamental concepts of AI, followed by in-depth exploration of AR and VR technologies, and finally culminating in real-world application and project-based implementations, thereby offering a comprehensive grasp on the content and practicality of AI technologies.


The course consists of five modules:


Module 1: Seeing the big picture.

In this first module, we dive into the reasons why a business could desire to explore the new technology of VR, AR and AI. The module also brings to the centre stage some specific examples of sectors that have already done so, and through a series of videos giving voice to experiences of real-life enterprises.  The module is concluded with a moment of reflection and an interactive self-test.


Module 2: Simulation with XR and AI
The field of virtual reality is booming, and this module attempts to give this fact justice through exemplifying the many different ways in which the technology is used in a vast array of sectors and areas; from education, health, research and online collaboration. As in all the modules, there is a focus on a series of videos and visuals to accommodate learning and motivation for those taking part in the course.


Module 3: What your business needs to know about AR
In the third module, the attention is on the technology and inherent possibilities of augmented reality. The course takes us on a journey into the how’s and why’s of a technology that is, perhaps for many, an already clearly utilized field of innovation. The module starts by introducing us to the general topic before diving into the variety of applications, from retail to tourism and many more.

The lessons are complemented by a quiz and a reflection task for the participants to ponder.


Module 4: Demystifying AI

In the fourth module of the course, we explore the somewhat evasive technology of artificial intelligence. Although often shrouded in a vail of mystery, AI is already a part of our society. In this module, we look at how it works and the real and possible applications of it.


Module 5: The next step
The final module introduces you to the next step in your journey into the use of new technology, magnifying some of the challenges, necessities, and possible partners.

Perhaps most importantly, our film crew has produced videos showcasing some of the enterprises that have already gained significant experiences in the field.


The course requires students to put in a great effort and take actively responsibility for they own learning. In order to pass the final goal, the student must monitor her/his own progress in order to acquire the necessary knowledge, skills and attitude to perform the final assessment.

Course Models
About the study

To thrive in the current fast-paced digital landscape, it's vital for individuals to keep pace with the rapidly advancing concepts and technologies, regardless of their specific industry or field. This digital era is dynamically changing, and it necessitates continuous learning and adaptation, both on an individual and organizational level.

The rise of paradigm-shifting concepts such as Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), and Artificial Intelligence (AI) amplifies the demand for comprehensive understanding and increased technological literacy. These technologies should be considered as enablers enhancing businesses, not as obstacles or threats.

The complexity of the contemporary digital society and the intricacies of technological advancement can present challenges. However, through the understanding with lenses and approaches of basic system analysis, they become more digestible. The goal of this course is to equip participants with the necessary knowledge and frameworks enabling them to leverage these technological advancements and optimally navigate through this constantly evolving digital world.

Learning Outcome

A candidate who has completed the course has the following total learning outcomes, defined by knowledge, skills and general competence:

Learning outcome - Knowledge

The candidate

  • has knowledge on how advancing technologies and concepts shape the contemporary market and society
  • has a basic knowledge of the principles of systems analysis and an outline of how to go from systems analysis to operational system dynamics models
  • has knowledge of how XR can be utilized in a wide range of areas
Learning outcome - Skills

The candidate

  • can use development methods and processes, from idea to finished product
  • is able to familiar the basic AI knowledge used within daily life and business sectors
  • is able to do systems analysis on an issue or a challenge
  • is able to read systems analysis maps (flow charts and causal loop diagrams) to qualitatively understand the dynamic behaviour of a system
Learning outcome - General competence

The candidate

  • has an understanding of relevant issues of professional ethics, and is able to make a contribution to a professional community
  • is able to inspire and facilitate entrepreneurship, new thinking and innovation, and the involvement of local working, social and cultural life
  • is able to meet and discuss the challenges encountered by the rise of new technologies
  • is able to find, evaluate, use and make reference to relevant research and development work, and other academic material
Teaching and working methods

This education is delivered online, making use of video lectures, digital learning materials, practical exercises, and self-study techniques. A dedicated online learning platform is employed, beginning the course with an introduction that outlines the theoretical educational approach and manages potential technical concerns.

The course underscores the importance of absorbing theoretical knowledge, whilst maintaining a strong focus on problem-solving skills. It includes individual coursework dedicated to solidifying learning and understanding. Additionally, the learning platform encourages collaboration, discussions, and the sharing of insights among participants.

The course is structured into distinct modules, each zeroing in on a specific domain. Every module commences with an introduction that explains the subject matter and the anticipated learning outcomes. The introduction is followed by a variety of learning resources, which include practical examples, instructional lessons, and interactive tasks. The conclusion of each module is marked by a targeted assignment which serves to reinforce theoretically learnt concepts.

In order to enhance understanding, the learning platform offers topic-focused videos on VR, AR and AI with basic system analysis approach. Paired with a diverse set of exercises, these resources aim to facilitate better grasp and connection of the content and learning materials.

Target group

The main target group will be aimed at managers, small and medium-sized businesses and everyone who has a role in digital transformation of the organization, i.e. from top management to those who develop and implement digital tools in the organization.

Admission requirements

Higher education entrance qualification

Applicants must meet the requirements for Higher Education Entrance Qualification, including the English language proficiency requirement.

Admission ranking
Applicants to the program are ranked in accordance with the Regulations for Admission to Higher Education §7
Career prospects and further studies

This study program is grounded in an understanding of the multifaceted labor market, the learning mechanisms of individuals and organizations, and how experiences can be bridged across varying learning areas. The course offers insight into the functioning of digital applications with XR and AI, their impact on us, and their potential when effectively deployed in business settings.

While technology forms a crucial part of the course, equal emphasis is placed on understanding the underpinning systems, their components, and the role of XR and AI within these systems. The goal is to equip participants to conceive and develop their own systems wherein XR and AI form integral parts.

Education on the use of XR and AI technology, when combined with a broader understanding of system-wide relationships, provides students with a practical framework for implementing different concepts in real-world scenarios. With a deeper comprehension, the course also imparts what can be referred to as an "ordering competency", a significant advantage for any company involved in development processes. This skill can lead to better bids, increased participation and influence over the end result, thereby enriching the overall output.


Teaching and learning material in all modules will be given in English.

The programme has an international syllabus, and the students can participate in virtual forums.

Research based teaching

The programme is kept updated using new literature, research and methods.


The course itself is free. To take the exam, a fee of NOK 7900 must be paid.

Assessment methods

Coursework requirements

  • Each module is followed by a multiple-choice test which is automatically graded in the learning platform. All the end of module tests must be passed to take the exam.



  • 4 hours individual digital exam.

When the exam assignment is started there is a two-week window to hand in the exam.

The exam assignment will be graded with Passed/Not passed.

Faculty for Film, TV and Games
Department of Game Development - The Game School