V2EMFH Engelsk fordypning

Engelsk fordypning

    • Studiepoeng
    • Heltid/deltid
    • Startsemester
      2024 Høst
    • Undervisningsspråk
    • Undervisningssted

The 30 ECTS Add-on Programme in English is a 30-ECTS credit study program with a full-time workload over one (autumn) semester.

Studiets oppbygging og innhold

The 30 ECTS Add-on Programme in English is campus-based, and all teaching takes place at Campus Hamar. The program comprises two 10-credit courses and a 10-credit thesis written in combination with one or both of the other courses. The following list provides an overview of courses currently in rotation, of which two will be taught each autumn (the selection will be announced at the beginning of the autumn semester).

Engelsk fordypning (Kull 2024)
  • U - Undervisningsfag
  • V - Valgfrie
  • O - Obligatorisk
  • P - Praksis
EmneType2024 Høst
Fordypningsemner – det undervises to emner per semester, og det er fagmiljøet som avgjør hvilke to emner som undervises (hvilke emner som undervises oppgis semesteret før)
Bakgrunn for studiet

English is the most widely-used language in the world today, used both within nations and between nations. It is the dominant language in countries ranging from the United Kingdom to New Zealand, the second language in countries such as India and Nigeria, and a foreign language in countries like Spain and China. The status of English is continually developing, with more non-native speakers than native speakers. The language has become a truly global language, used as a lingua franca by billions of speakers.

High proficiency in English is in demand for many professions, such as in the fields of education, tourism and trade, finance, technology, media and communications. Within Norway, English is a working language in many businesses, such as the import and export branch. English is also useful in private pursuits, from online activities to travel abroad.


A candidate who has completed this program of studies should have the following learning outcomes defined in terms of knowledge, skills and general competence:


The candidate

  • has broad knowledge within selected areas of linguistics
  • has broad knowledge within selected areas of literary and cultural studies
  • has broad knowledge of the chosen topic for the thesis

The candidate

  • can employ relevant theoretical perspectives to the study of language and literature/culture
Generell kompetanse

The candidate

  • has insight into relevant academic and professional ethical issues relevant for the study of English
  • can plan and carry out relevant assignments and projects over time, alone or as part of a group, and in accordance with ethical requirements and principles
  • can communicate important academic subject matters such as theories, problems and solutions, both in writing and orally
  • can exchange opinions and experiences with others with a background in the field, thereby contributing to the development of good practice
Arbeids- og undervisningsformer

Most teaching takes the form of seminars. In addition there is individual tuition. The seminar form presupposes that students have read set texts in advance, so that they are equipped to take part in discussions and benefit from the contributions of lecturers and fellow students. Students are encouraged to develop strategies for independent study. ICT and digital aids form an integrated part of the teaching and learning. (For details, see the description under each individual course below.)


The 30 ECTS Add-on Programme in English may be taken by students pursuing a Bachelor of Arts degree specializing in English, or as an independent subject.


Applicants must meet the minimum requirements for Higher Education Entrance Qualification in Norway or document other relevant qualifications. Students must have successfully completed a foundation level (60 ECTS) program in English or its equivalent.

To follow the ‘Translation’ module, students must be highly proficient in Norwegian.

Søkere rangeres etter Forskrift om opptak, studier og eksamen ved Høgskolen i Innlandet.
Relevans for arbeidsliv og videre studier

The program is an expansion of the 60-ECTS credit foundation program in English. It can be taken as part of a Bachelor of Arts (BA). In combination with the foundation program, the 200-level program may qualify students for admission to Master’s (MA) programs with a specialization in English: Teaching Language and Culture (Master i kultur og språkfagenes didaktikk) or Digital Communication and Culture (Master i digital kommunikasjon og kultur). Students may then apply for admission to the college’s doctoral program in Teacher Education (PhD-program i profesjonsrettede lærerutdanningsfag), where English is one of four core areas.



Informasjons- og kildekompetanse

Information literacy is the ability to locate, evaluate and utilize information for a given need. Information literacy is a key competency in academic subjects, and provides a basis for life-long learning.

Plagiarism is the presentation of the work of others as one's own. Lack of appropriate citatione is considered cheating.

The college library offers courses for all new students in the use of sources and referencing, with the following learning outcomes:

  • ability to locate, evaluate and refer to information and specialist literature
  • ability to analyse and critically assess various sources of information, and to utilize these sources.





Assessment takes the form of oral and/or written examinations and/or take-home written assignments. For additional details, see the description for the individual courses.

The individual course descriptions list requirements that have to be fulfilled in order for students to be eligible to sit for the exams.

Fakultet for lærerutdanning og pedagogikk