MAOK4002 Biostatistics

    • Number of credits
    • Teaching semester
      2025 Autumn
    • Language of instruction
    • Campus
    • Required prerequisite knowledge


Course content

The course starts with basic statistics and progresses towards more advanced concepts and methods in statistical modelling.

The following topics are covered:

  • Basic statistical concepts and terminology such as sampling, variation, probability, modelling, inference etc. Introduction to statistical thinking.
  • Data manipulation, graphics, use of the R environment etc. for descriptive and exploratory data analysis.
  • Fundamentals of study design.
  • Null Hypothesis Scientific Testing.
  • Presentation of statistical results (e.g., graphics).
  • Linear and Generalized Linear Models, as a foundation for many statistical methods used in ecology and forestry.
  • More advanced concepts used in modern statistics (e.g., mixed effects models (random slopes and intercepts), co-linearity, added variable plots, parsimony, likelihood, model selection, AIC, randomization, and bootstrap methods).

Learning Outcome

After successful completion of the course, the student will have the following knowledge, skills, and general competence. 


The student

  • Has a thorough understanding of data generation processes and study design in ecology.
  • Has a thorough understanding of basic statistical concepts and terminology.

The student

  • Can apply statistical models in ecology and interpret model outcomes and predictions.
  • Can present statistical results for a scientific audience.
  • Can suggest implementations based on conclusions drawn in the statistical inference.
General competence

The student

  • Can discuss and reflect on the use and limitations of statistics in ecology.
Teaching and working methods

Lectures, seminars, and exercises based on examples from ecology.

Required coursework

Handing in minimum 80% of written exercises.

Form of assessment
  • One individual written report (40%)
  • Oral examination (60%)

Performance is assessed using a grading scale from A-F, where E is the lowest passing grade. All examinations must be passed in order for the course to be assessed as passed.

Form of assessmentGrading scaleGroupingDuration of assessmentSupport materialsProportionComment
Written assignment
  • No support materials
Oral examination
  • No support materials
Faculty of Applied Ecology, Agricultural Sciences and Biotechnology
Department of Forestry and Wildlife Management