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KIUA2007 Applied Bioinformatics for Sequence Data Analysis

    • Course code
    • Number of credits
    • Teaching semester
      2026 Spring
    • Language of instruction
    • Campus
    • Required prerequisite knowledge


Course content

Big data from biological methods must be processed in a specific manner. The field of bioinformatics uses computer science to process big data and biological data. Data, databases and the necessary tools are required to perform bioinformatics analyses. Identifying the right type of data or tool is not an easy process and this course will therefore cover:

  • What databases are and how to structure and organise information in a database.
  • Identification of sequence information using sequence assemblies of techniques.
  • Methods for “next-generation” sequence data analyses.
  • Methods for phylogenetic analysis of sequences.
  • Methods for proteomic and metabolomic data analysis
  • Combining analysis - Omics data

Learning Outcome

Upon successfully passing the course, students will have achieved the following learning outcomes:


The student will have

  • extensive knowledge of fundamental concepts in bioinformatics and is able to provide an overview of the most important methods and tools used in the field
  • knowledge of the types of data available from the most commonly used DNA, RNA and protein sequence and structure databases
  • knowledge of the fundamental methods for sequence searches and sequence assembly and how such analyses provide information about the function and evolution of genes and proteins
  • knowledge of methods for phylogenetic analysis
  • extensive knowledge of fundamental methods for “next-generation” sequence data (such as genomics, transcriptomics, epigenomics, proteomics) analyses

The student will be able to

  • apply basic bioinformatic analyses and select the most appropriate bioinformatics databases to answer a specific, given question within e.g. medical microbiology, molecular biology and/or medical biochemistry
  • describe how PCR works and design a PCR primer
  • use existing tools to perform simple sequence analyses, select the most appropriate methods for the identification and assembly of sequences and conduct phylogenetic analyses
  • use techniques to integrate different data sources such as genomics, transcriptomics, epigenomics, proteomics and metabolomics in order to gain comprehensive insights into complex biological systems
General competence

The student will be able to

  • plan and conduct bioinformatic analyses
  • exchange views and experiences relating to AI and ML in bioinformatics with others
  • discuss ethical issues relating to bioinformatics, including privacy and responsible research practices
  • apply critical thinking and reflections on the opportunities and limitations that can be found in the field of bioinformatics
Teaching and working methods

The course comprises a combination of lectures, digital laboratory exercises, independent study and academic supervision.

Required coursework
  • 100% participation in digital laboratory exercises in accordance with the teaching plan

Compulsory coursework requirements that have been passed are valid for 12 months only. Students wishing to take examinations after 12 months must pass the compulsory coursework requirements again in connection with the next scheduled delivery of the course. 

Form of assessmentGrading scaleGroupingDuration of assessmentSupport materialsProportionComment
Written examination with invigilation
4 Hour(s)
  • No support materials
Form of assessment
  • 4-hour invigilated written examination

The assignment is assessed using a grading scale from A-F, where E is the lowest passing grade.

Students are able to choose which language to use for their examination. The available options are Norwegian Bokmål, Nynorsk and English.

Course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
Anvendt bioinformatikk for sekvensdataanalyse
Faculty for Film, TV and Games
Department of Game Development - The Game School
Area of study
Matematisk-naturvitenskapelige fag/informatikk
Programme of study
Bachelor i kunstig intelligens - utvikling og anvendelse
Course level
Intermediate course, level II (200-LN)