KIUA1003 Discrete Mathematics

    • Course code
    • Number of credits
    • Teaching semester
      2026 Spring
    • Language of instruction
    • Campus
    • Required prerequisite knowledge


Course content

Discrete mathematics provides students with a foundation in mathematical concepts and techniques that are essential to solve real-world problems in AI. The course focuses on discrete structures and mathematical reasoning to equip students with the knowledge and skills required for algorithm design, data analysis and problem solving. Students will gain knowledge of propositional and predicate logic, set theory, probability principles and basic linear programming, which allows for accurate reasoning, data manipulation, decision-making under uncertainty and optimisation techniques that are essential for AI systems. The course also promotes students’ capacity for critical thinking, abstraction, generalisation, strong analytical skills and the ability to apply mathematical modelling techniques to real-world problems. In turn, this ensures that students can more effectively tackle AI challenges in different domains.

Learning Outcome

Upon successfully passing the course, students will have achieved the following learning outcomes:


The student will have

  • knowledge of proportional and predicate logic, logical links and proof techniques
  • knowledge of set theory, Cartesian products, relationships and functions, as well as graphs
  • knowledge of probability principles, distributions and their applications
  • knowledge of basic linear programming, optimisation techniques, dualities and applications

The student will be able to

  • explain logical reasoning and proof techniques to construct valid arguments and solve problems
  • explain set theory and graphs in order to perform set operations, manipulate sets and analyse graphs
  • explain meaningful use of probability distributions for decision making
  • use optimisation methods to identify optimal solutions and apply these
General competence

The student will be able to

  • use logical reasoning, problem-solving techniques and mathematical analyses in different situations
  • abstract and generalise mathematical concepts to solve real-world problems and apply discrete mathematics principles in different domains within computer science and AI
  • utilise analytical skills to analyse complex problems, break these down into manageable components and use the right mathematical methods to solve them
  • use mathematical modelling techniques to represent and solve real-world problems
Teaching and working methods

The course comprises a combination of lectures, practical exercises, independent study and academic supervision.

Required coursework
  • two group assignments
Form of assessmentGrading scaleGroupingDuration of assessmentSupport materialsProportionComment
Written examination with invigilation
4 Hour(s)
  • No support materials
Form of assessment
  • four-hour individual written examination.

The assignment is assessed using a grading scale from A-F, where E is the lowest passing grade.

Students are able to choose which language to use for their examination. The available options are Norwegian Bokmål, Nynorsk and English.

Course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
Diskret matematikk
Faculty for Film, TV and Games
Department of Game Development - The Game School
Area of study
Matematisk-naturvitenskapelige fag/informatikk
Programme of study
Bachelor i kunstig intelligens - utvikling og anvendelse
Course level
Foundation courses, level I (100-LN)