BUK4003 Methodological Approaches in Research about Child and Youth Competences and Competence Development

    • Number of credits
    • Teaching semester
      2022 Spring
    • Language of instruction
    • Campus
    • Required prerequisite knowledge

      Applicants must have admission to a PdD programme, i.e. a minimum of masters degree of 120 ECTS. Ranking of applicants: Candidates registered at a PhD programme will be prioritized.

Course content

The course addresses methodological and ethical questions and key concepts in the study of child and youth participation, competence development and socialization.

Learning Outcome

After having completed the course, the course participants shall have acquired knowledge about and critical reflective insights into methodological and ethical questions in research with children and young people in and across different social practices and contexts in contemporary society.

After having completed the course, the course participants shall have acquired these academic skills:

  • Analyzing and critically comparing different methodological approaches and research designs in research with children and youth
  • Relating methodological approaches to research with children’s and young people’s participation and competence development in his/her own doctoral thesis work.
Teaching and working methods

Organization and pedagogical form

  1. Active participation in lectures, seminars and plenary discussions
  2. Writing a scientific essay (about 10 pages) explicitly addressing methodological and/or ethical questions in research about children and youth. Guidelines for the essay are given at the end of this text.

Quality monitoring
During the course there will be a continuous dialogue on learning processes and achievement of objectives.

The students will give a written evaluation at the end of the course, supplied by a joint discussion between teachers and student.

Required coursework

To be approved the student must:

  • Actively participate in all lectures, seminars and plenary discussions according to the course program. The course coordinator can in some special cases make exceptions to the presence requirement.
  • Submit a scientific essay within one (1) month after the last course day. If the essay is not approved, the student can submit a revised version within 1 month after the evaluation of the first version.
Form of assessment

The categories “pass” or “fail” are used in the final evaluation of the student’s participation and achievement during the course. 

Writing the essay - guideline

In the student’s evaluations of the course it is suggested that the formulations of general expectations to an essay on PhD-level applied to the course Theories of Child and Youth Participation and Competence Development should be given prior to the course. Hence the following indications of expectations to the essay:

  • The essay shall be written in English and encompass 8-10 pages, 12 pkt, 1.5 lines, reference list not included.
  • The essay shall include a clear presentation of topic/research questions and definitions of the key theoretical concepts elucidated in the essay.
  • The essay shall have a clear disposition, adapted to the topic/research questions and the format (8 -10 pages)
  • The essay shall show that the course attendant has acquired knowledge of and insights to central issues about methodological and ethical questions in research with children and youth.
  • The essay shall show that the course attendant is able to present and critically compare and analyze important methodologies in research with children and youth. 
  • The essay shall show that the course attendant has an overview over the literature in the reading list, and that he or she is able to choose, apply and justify the choice of methodologies in relation to the topic/research questions for the essay in a critical
Form of assessmentGrading scaleGroupingDuration of assessmentSupport materialsProportionComment
Written assignment
Passed - not passed
Faculty of Social and Health Sciences
Department of Social Science and Guidance