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2M354 Reading and Adapting Literature

    • Course code
    • Number of credits
    • Teaching semester
      2024 Autumn
    • Language of instruction
    • Campus
    • Required prerequisite knowledge


Course content
  • This is an introductory course in reception and adaptation studies. The course will involve close readings of primary texts and adaptations in their historical contexts.
  • The course operates from a broad definition of text and reading – films and other cultural expressions are also texts that may be read in this course.
  • Working from the premise that all texts are historically situated and acquire new meanings in new contexts, we will explore a number of different works, including works for young adults, from different historical periods and their reception.
  • The course will also contain discussions of key theoretical contributions to the field of adaptation and reception studies, didactic theory and praxis-oriented perspectives on the uses of      literary texts and adaptations in teaching and other forms of culture work.

Learning Outcome

Upon successful completion of the course, the student will have achieved the following learning outcomes:


The student

  • has comprehensive knowledge about a selection of literary texts in English and their adaptations, including works for young adults
  • has thorough familiarity with relevant literary and didactic theory
  • has a broad understanding of the manifold lives of literary texts and their adaptations
  • has advanced knowledge about perspectives within theories of reception and adaptation
  • has broad knowledge about the use of literature and adaptations in teaching and/or other forms of dissemination

The student

  • can analyse literary texts and films by using relevant theories and methods within the fields of literature and film
  • can employ knowledge about reception theory, and adaptation theory in order to understand literary texts, adaptations and their contexts
  • can use theoretical perspectives on Reading literature and adaptations in order to employ that understanding in teaching and/or other dissemination situations
  • can make use of perspectives from reception theory in teaching and/or other forms of dissemination, in order to understand, differentiate for and supervise a variety of readers in their learning and development
General competence

The student 

  • can reflect on how literary texts and adaptations, including works for young adults, appear in historical and material forms
  • can analyse relevant theoretical and ethical topics within the field
  • can communicate fluently in English about relevant topics with other students, specialists, and the general public
  • can use his or her knowledge and skills independently in order to complete oral and written tasks in English
  • can analyse and critically relate to research and use these skills in his or her profession
Teaching and working methods

On-campus seminars and digital seminars.

Required coursework

In order to take the exam, the students must pass the following requirements:

  • An attendance record of at least 75 % according to the semester plan. Students are responsible for registration of attendance
  • Participation in at least one net-seminar
  • 1-2 obligatory assignments (oral and/or written)
Form of assessmentGrading scaleGroupingDuration of assessmentSupport materialsProportionComment
Home exam
3 Day(s)
  • All
100 %
Form of assessment

Three-day individual take-home exam, 4000 words.

The exam is graded on a scale from A to F. A is the highest pass grade and E is the lowest pass grade.

Professional overlap
2ML354 Reading and Adapting Literature
Course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
Reading and Adapting Literature
Faculty of Education
Area of study
Historisk-filosofiske fag
Programme of study
Master's Degree in Culture and Language Didactics
Course level
Second degree level (500-HN)