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2EN48-9 Shakespeare

    • Course code
    • Number of credits
    • Teaching semester
      2024 Autumn
    • Language of instruction
    • Campus
Course content

This course offers a broad introduction to Shakespeare, with an emphasis on the texts as well as relevant ideological, literary and theatrical contexts. Renaissance drama is central, but poems and sonnets are also represented on the syllabus. The course also considers the reception of Shakespeare’s works, with special emphasis on influential critical notions and adaptations, and contemporary dissemination of Shakespeare’s works in education and culture.

  • A selection of plays and poems by Shakespeare
  • A selection of adaptations (film and stage production) of Shakespeare’s plays and poems
  • A selection of theoretical and critical texts concerned with Shakespeare’s plays and poems
  • Perspectives on the use of Shakespeare in different forms of education and dissemination

Learning Outcome

Upon successful completion of the course, the student will have achieved the following learning outcomes:


The student

  • has thorough knowledge about a broad selection of plays and poems by William Shakespeare
  • has knowledge about the history and culture of early modern England and the conditions under which the texts were conceived and performed
  • has knowledge about reception and adaptation of Shakespeare’s works and their relevance for our contemporary culture
  • has broad knowledge about literary theory and devices

The student

  • communicates fluently and with precision in oral and written English
  • can analyse and interpret Shakespeare’s works formally and thematically
  • can place Shakespeare's works in their literary and cultural context
General competence

The student

  • can discuss and communicate about relevant material
  • has the ability to analyse texts and communicate professionally
  • can reflect on how the knowledge and skills developed in the course may be used in the teaching and dissemination of literature
Teaching and working methods

Campus-based seminars. The learning platform Canvas is used for course information and guidance. The course requires regular and active participation in seminars.

Required coursework

In order to take the exam, the students must pass the following requirements:

  • An attendance record of at least 75 % according to the semester plan. Students are responsible for registration of attendance
  • Two or more obligatory assignments
Form of assessmentGrading scaleGroupingDuration of assessmentSupport materialsProportionComment
Home exam
3 Day(s)
  • All
Form of assessment

Three day individual take-home exam, 3000 words.

The exam is graded on a scale from A to F. A is the highest pass grade and E is the lowest pass grade. 

Professional overlap
2ENL51-10 Shakespeare
Course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
Faculty of Education
Area of study
Historisk-filosofiske fag
Programme of study
30 ECTS Add-on Programme in English
Course level
Intermediate course, level II (200-LN)