FM1GD3061 Graphic Design 3

FM1GD3061 Graphic Design 3

  • Course description
    • Course code
    • Level of study
    • Program of study
      Graphic Design 1
    • Credits
    • Course coordinator
      Libre van den Bergh
Teaching term(s)
2025 Spring
About the Course

The course provides the student with knowledge and skills in concept development, work processes and form and function, as well as basic principles, methods and techniques of packaging design. The course covers a variety of approaches - from concept development and the use of visual instruments to the completion of packaging designs. The course provides practical skills involving tools and techniques for developing packaging design and the production process itself. This includes the design on the packaging itself as well as typography, layout and colour use.

Course Learning Outcomes
Learning outcomes - Knowledge

The Candidate...

  • has knowledge of the concepts, processes, methods and tools used in concept development, work processes and packaging development.
  • has knowledge of different work methods and processes when it comes to the development and production of packaging design.
  • has knowledge of composition, form and colour-use in packaging design.
  • has knowledge of typographic principles and tools used in the development of packaging design.
  • has insight into industry-relevant processes used in packaging development and production.
  • can update his/her professional knowledge of concept development, work processes and packaging design.
  • understands how a good concept can add value for a business, organisation or individual user.
  • understands how good, efficient and user-friendly packaging can add value for a business, organisation or single user.
Learning outcomes - Skills

The Candidate...

  • can apply knowledge about concept development and work processes to develop new design concepts.
  • can apply knowledge of layout, typography, and colour-use in the development of packaging design.
  • can use industry-related tools to deliver artwork that meets the technical standards and guidelines of the graphics industry.
  • can use applications used in the graphics industry, like Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign and Acrobat.
  • can use manual tools and techniques in the development of simple prototypes for packaging design.
  • can use creative methods in developing design concepts and functional packaging design.
  • can find information and subject matter about concept development, work processes and packaging design.
  • can map the customers' needs and issues to develop a new design concept.
General Competence

The Candidate...

  • understands the brand's ethical principles that should be adhered to when developing user-friendly and aesthetically pleasing solutions.
  • has developed an ethical attitude when developing new design concepts and working with packaging design.
  • can develop new design concepts and packaging in line with guidelines for universal design.
  • can develop work methods and a progress plan for the design process and visual design of packaging.
Teaching and Learning

In this course, the following teaching and learning methods can be applied, but are not limited to:

  • Lecture: Educator-led presentations or activities providing knowledge, skills, or general competencies in the subject area.
  • Group work: Collaborative activities where students work together to solve problems or complete tasks.
  • Tutoring: One-on-one or small group sessions with an instructor for personalized guidance and support.
  • Student presentations: Opportunities for students to demonstrate their understanding of course material by presenting to peers.
  • Online lessons: Digital content delivered via an online learning platform.
  • Guidance: Individualized advice and direction from instructors to support students in their learning journey.
  • Workshops: Practical sessions focused on hands-on application of theoretical concepts or skills.
  • Self-study: Independent study where students engage with course material on their own without any teacher support.
Reading list

Teaching materials, reading lists, and essential resources will be shared in the learning platform and software user manuals where applicable.

Form of assessmentGrading scaleGroupingDuration of assessment
Course Assignment
Pass / Fail
4 Week(s)