FM1BAPO05 Industry Knowledge and Portfolio

FM1BAPO05 Industry Knowledge and Portfolio

  • Course description
    • Course code
    • Level of study
    • Program of study
      User Interface Design
    • Credits
    • Course coordinator
      Marna Haskins
Teaching term(s)
2025 Spring
Marna Haskins
About the Course

The course focuses on candidates professional development and further career strategies in the UI design field. The candidate is encouraged to search for real client projects and be in contact with the design industry. The course provides also a short introduction to the fundamentals of personal branding with the focus on developing a simple online portfolio or showreel that can be used in job- or trainee application processes. The candidate organises his/her submitted work from the first and second semester and presents selected work. The candidate is given the opportunity to make improvements and modifications to the selected work, before presenting to a panel with proficient internal and external personnel. The portfolio assessment is conducted as a presentation, such as a showreel or through a simple website/blog, where the quality of the submitted material and presentation skills is taken into consideration.

Course Relevance
The course aims to provide an understanding of the fundamentals of personal branding with the focus on developing a simple online portfolio or show-reel. Self-evaluation, improvement, completion and presentation of own projects is an important part of the learning process and future professional life.

Course Learning Outcomes
Learning outcomes - Knowledge

The Candidate...

  • has knowledge of techniques and tools that are used to create an online portfolio or showcase
  • has knowledge of the design industry and is familiar with the field of UI design
  • can update his/her knowledge within UI design, and the subject areas from courses in the first and second semester
  • understands the importance of documenting the UI design processes and refining submitted work to showcase the results following best practices
Learning outcomes - Skills

The Candidate...

  • can apply knowledge to develop digital portfolio showcasing his/her work from courses in the first and second semester
  • masters relevant vocational tools to document and present his/her own UI design projects
  • can study his/her own performance through the year and identify the potential for improvement in deliveries and make appropriate changes
General Competence

The Candidate...

  • can carry out presentations of his/her own work to a vocational panel, potential customers, employers or interdisciplinary collaboration groups
  • can develop a portfolio to showcase UI design projects
Teaching and Learning

In this course, the following teaching and learning methods can be applied, but are not limited to:

  • Lecture: Educator-led presentations or activities providing knowledge, skills, or general competencies in the subject area.
  • Group work: Collaborative activities where students work together to solve problems or complete tasks.
  • Tutoring: One-on-one or small group sessions with an instructor for personalized guidance and support.
  • Student presentations: Opportunities for students to demonstrate their understanding of course material by presenting to peers.
  • Online lessons: Digital content delivered via an online learning platform.
  • Guidance: Individualized advice and direction from instructors to support students in their learning journey.
  • Workshops: Practical sessions focused on hands-on application of theoretical concepts or skills.
  • Self-study: Independent study where students engage with course material on their own without any teacher support.
Reading list

Teaching materials, reading lists, and essential resources will be shared in the learning platform and software user manuals where applicable.

Form of assessmentGrading scaleGroupingDuration of assessment
Pass / Fail
3 Week(s)