FI2BEDT75 Database Technologies

FI2BEDT75 Database Technologies

  • Course description
    • Course code
    • Level of study
    • Program of study
      Back-End Development 2
    • Credits
    • Course coordinator
      Frederick Johannes Botha, Joshua Wiggill
Teaching term(s)
2024 Autumn
Joshua Wiggill
About the Course

This course aims to teach candidates to utilise various database technologies related to Back-end development. Candidates are taught how to write real-world, performant SQL queries. Non-relational databases are introduced and contrasted with relational databases. The candidate is also given the essential knowledge of what is needed to implement and interface with a cloud-based database. 

Knowledge of a broader spectrum of database technologies, tools and paradigms will strengthen the candidates understanding of the concept of databases and provide a good foundation to effectively integrate them into future projects. Candidates will also have the capacity to critically analyse whether certain technologies are applicable for use in a particular software project. 

Course Learning Outcomes
Learning outcomes - Knowledge

The candidate: 

  • has knowledge of techniques and tools used to write complex SQL queries 
  • has knowledge of the processes and tools utilised to interact with non-relational databases 
  • has knowledge of the services and APIs used to deliver cloud-based database services 
Learning outcomes - Skills

The candidate: 

  • can explain choices of use of techniques and tools used to write complex SQL queries 
  • can explain choices of processes and tools used to interact with non-relational databases 
  • can explain choices of services and APIs used to integrate cloud-based databases 
General Competence

The candidate: 

  • can plan and carry out tasks relating to implementing complex database queries and utilising non-relational databases 
  • can plan and carry out tasks linked to configuring and utilising cloud-based databases 
Teaching and Learning

In this course, the following teaching and learning methods can be applied, but are not limited to:

  • Lecture: Educator-led presentations or activities providing knowledge, skills, or general competencies in the subject area.
  • Group work: Collaborative activities where students work together to solve problems or complete tasks.
  • Tutoring: One-on-one or small group sessions with an instructor for personalized guidance and support.
  • Student presentations: Opportunities for students to demonstrate their understanding of course material by presenting to peers.
  • Online lessons: Digital content delivered via an online learning platform.
  • Guidance: Individualized advice and direction from instructors to support students in their learning journey.
  • Workshops: Practical sessions focused on hands-on application of theoretical concepts or skills.
  • Self-study: Independent study where students engage with course material on their own without any teacher support.
Reading list

Teaching materials, reading lists, and essential resources will be shared in the learning platform and software user manuals where applicable.

Form of assessmentGrading scaleGroupingDuration of assessment
Course Assignment
Pass / Fail
1 Week(s)