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UC3CNA10 Computer Network Attack

UC3CNA10 Computer Network Attack

  • Course description
    • NQF Level
      Bachelor's degree (Level 6 1. Cycle)
    • Area of Study
    • Program of Study
      Cyber Security
    • ECTS
    • Campus
      Kristiansand, OnlinePLUS - Bergen, OnlinePLUS - Oslo, Online
    • Course Leader
      Nelson Uto

Language of Instruction and assessment: English
May be offered on Campus and Online.
May be offered as a separate course.

Included in the following bachelor's degrees:

  • Cyber Security
Course Aim(s)

The course aims to investigate ways in which computer systems can be compromised and attacked, providing a broad exploration of the issues involved in Cyber Attack. During the course students will exploring a variety of threat agents and how these take advantage of system vulnerabilities. The concept of ‘Cyber Attacks’ is studied in order to appropriately and effectively defend a system against such attacks.

Course Learning Outcomes

The student has knowledge of

K1 a broad knowledge of the forms and types of computer attacks.
K2 an in-depth knowledge of the ways to attack a computer system.
K3 the ethical and legal issues related to computer attacks.
K4 approaches to attaining and developing knowledge and awareness of current and emerging attack techniques.

The student gain skills in

S1 the use of appropriate tools and techniques to identify possible avenues of attack against a computer system.
General Competence

The student can demonstrate

G1 analysis of a novel system for possible avenues of attack and to exploit identified vulnerabilities.
Course Topics
  • Attack Processes
  • Social Engineering
  • Attack Techniques
  • Malicious Software
Teaching Methods
  1. Teaching will be based on a hybrid-flexible approach. Instructor-led face-to-face learning is combined with online learning in a flexible course structure that gives students the option of attending sessions in the classroom, participating online, or doing both.
  2. All activities require active student participation in their own learning.
  3. Learning delivery methods and available resources will be selected to ensure constructive alignment with course content, learning outcomes and assessment criteria.
  4. Students will be taught using a mixture of guidance, self-study, and lecture material. Topics will be introduced in a series of weekly lectures. The guidance sessions will be directed practical exercises and reading in which students can explore topics with support from a teacher. This material will also require students to self-manage their time to ensure tasks are completed and the theory is fully understood. This will allow the students to fully engage with lectures and with their peers.
Resources and Equipment
  1. Learning resources are available in the LMS and include, but is not limited to:
    • literature and online reading material (essential and recommended)
    • streams, recordings and other digital resources, where applicable
    • video conferencing and communication platforms, if applicable
    • tools, software and libraries, where applicable
  2. Students must have access to an internet connection, and suitable hardware.
    • Accessing live streams and virtual laboratories requires a minimum broadband connection of 2Mbps (4Mbps recommended).
  3. Students working on their own laptop/computer are required to acquire appropriate communications software, e.g., webcam, microphone, headphones.
Reading List

The reading list for this course and any additional electronic resources will be provided in the LMS.

Study Workload

250 nominal hours.
Study workload applies to both Campus and Online students.

Teacher-led activity
Teacher-supported work
Work Requirements

There are no mandatory assignments in this course.

Assessment Strategy

This course has two (2) exams contributing towards the overall and final grade of the course.

All exams must be assessed as passed to receive the final Course Grade.

Form of assessmentGrading scaleGroupingDuration of assessment
Oral Test
Online Exam