V2VRAR Add-on programme in Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality

Add-on programme in Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality

    • Studiepoeng
    • Heltid/deltid
      Heltid, Deltid
    • Startsemester
      2023 Høst
    • Undervisningsspråk
    • Undervisningssted
Studiets oppbygging og innhold

The students obtain broad knowledge of VR and AR production in a cross-disciplinary team. 

Through group-based project work the students will experience how it is to produce for VR and or AR for a real world case. This will provide an opportunity to apply and consolidate the learning from the program, with their knowledge from relevant bachelor and work experiences (if relevant).

Students will develop their entrepreneurial skills through supervised project-based learning on a real world case. At the end of the course, students will have a solid example of how VR or/and AR can be used in an interactive application to solve or improve a real-life problem or challenge. A portfolio piece that shows the students skill level and understanding of production for VR & AR . During the group work, students will have ongoing feedback sessions with teachers and collaborator(s), peer review evaluations and a final exam with work presentation that is graded.

The first semester (30 ECTS credits) consists of subject-specific theory and content development. The semester is an introduction to VR & AR development, which covers project management, system analysis and system dynamics, cross- and interdisciplinary collaboration as shared topics. For the technical track, the semester also covers topics like VR & AR equipment, programming and algorithmic thinking for VR & AR development, VR & AR production pipeline, as well as VR/AR, AI and real time interactive programming in implementation of serious games. For the artistic track, the semester also covers topics like environment design, lighting for VR&AR, graphical optimisation, UX Design, content creations for VR & AR, scripting and programming for artist in VR & AR Production, as well as system analysis, ethics, and narrative for serious games.

The second semester is focusing on applied knowledge through a mix of lectures and work with a cross-disciplinary group project on a given task. The students’ objective is to use VR or/and AR to solve a real world problem or challenge through an interactive application.  Topics covered are commercialization and commercializing technology, computer graphic pipeline and optimizations for VR & AR, ecology of immersive VR & AR environments, design and measure UX, 3D space designs for VR & AR, and spatial sounds.

For more information about the study programme’s courses and progression see the overview of courses. 

Virtual and Augmented Reality - Full-time (1 year)
  • U - Undervisningsfag
  • V - Valgfrie
  • O - Obligatorisk
  • P - Praksis
EmneType2023 Høst2024 Vår
Electives - students choose between Computer science track and Artistic track
Computer science track
Artistic track
Virtual and Augmented Reality - Part-time (2 year)
  • U - Undervisningsfag
  • V - Valgfrie
  • O - Obligatorisk
  • P - Praksis
EmneType2023 H2024 V2024 H2025 V
Electives - students choose between Computer science track and Artistic track
Computer science track
Artistic track
Bakgrunn for studiet

Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) are rapidly growing computing environment due to the renewed industry focus on these areas over the past few years. Virtual and augmented reality are already being integrated into a number of industries such as healthcare, tourism, risk management, advertising, automotive, gaming, education, entertainment, and even space industries. It is technology that will play a bigger and bigger role in these fields in the future, and it is therefore important to educate and train people within this area to meet the growing demand. 

The education provides a program that targets the key areas of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR). VR is an immersive digital environment that can replicate lifelike physical environments or portray a fictional artificial world, and makes the user feel they are immersed in that environment in real-life. AR is created by enhancing real life objects/environments with a digital overlay. It is a professional education offering specialization within VR and AR. The study program includes both a technical and artistic approach to the field of expertise within an entrepreneurial and professional environment through the project based course Applied Game Technologies for VR & AR which runs in the spring semester. 

The study programme in Virtual and Augmented Reality combines technical and artistic subjects with VR and AR technology in interactive digital content development. 

The study programme aims to develop further the students’ ability for comprehensive thinking and to give them a broad understanding of VR and AR as tools and methods for problem solution in a wide range of work tasks. The education will give awareness and understanding of modern interactive and immersive technologies, knowledge transfer, skills building and preparation for digital sector carrier and work experience. 

The programme provides opportunities for graduates to become VR/AR professionals and have direct access to an established industry through VRINN Immersive Learning Cluster network. 


On successful completion of the study programme, a student has the following total learning outcome defined in terms of knowledge, skills and general competence.


The student 

  • has knowledge of Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality 
  • has knowledge of production pipelines in a corporate setting 
  • has specialised knowledge of the production of content for VR and AR productions 
  • has in depth knowledge of critical thinking, communication and problem solution linked to content development 
  • know of national and international research and development work that is relevant for VR and AR development 
  • has advanced knowledge of content creation for VR & AR 

The student 

  • can master and apply relevant professional tools, methods and theory for VR and AR content creation 
  • can master design processes from idea to end product 
  • can apply professional knowledge and relevant results from research and development work underlying VR and AR productions 
  • can reflect on his/her own professional performance and adjust it under supervision 
  • can find, assess, use and refer to relevant research and development work, artistic and technical development work and other pertinent professional material 
  • can master critical thinking, logic, communication and problem solution 
  • can work creatively and use relevant methods for content production in problem solution
Generell kompetanse

The student 

  • can analyse, plan and carry out varied work tasks and projects over a protracted time period, alone and as a group participant, and in accordance with ethical requirements and guidelines   
  • has insight into relevant professional and work ethical issues, and is able to contribute to a professional community 
  • can inspire and facilitate entrepreneurship, new thinking and innovation and to involve local working, social and cultural life 
  • can disseminate central subject matter orally and in writing, to take part in professional discussions within the subject area and share his/her knowledge and experiences with others 
Arbeids- og undervisningsformer

The teaching is based on lectures, creative exercise in the practical field, small group learning/ group work for experimental and cognitive processes, presentations, and self-study. Most of the courses are practical with great emphasis on assignments and problem-based learning, and entail compulsory work requirements, both individually and in groups.  

In addition to organised teaching and supervision, the students shall acquire knowledge, skills and professional insight through self-study. The students are personally responsible for following up their own studies. This can be review materials, case studies examples, video tutorials and research on given subjects. 

The education requires great efforts from the students. If they are to be well equipped for working life in this field, it is important that they set aside a lot of time for their own study work. All compulsory practical and theoretical assignments must be completed within set dates in accordance with the given assignment. Assessment and supervision are an important part of the learning process. There must be continuous contact between student and lecturer during the planning and execution of work assignments.  

Teaching activities range from classes, seminars, practical exercises and online interaction. More information about the individual unit details can be found in the course structure. Expenses occurred in connection with any excursions must be paid by the student themselves. 

The characteristic nature of the study programme is based on high level computers which the students must acquire at their own expense, prior to staring the program. For more flexibility and ability to work from home, it is also recommended to have a set of VR-glasses and a smart phone at hand. The school will provide access to VR headsets and smart phones at school, but at a limited number.

Assistance in finding a laptop PC that is sufficient for the tasks of the study program, as well as correct type of VR glasses, can be provided by contacting the school at gameschool@inn.no.


The target group for the study programme is primarily applicants interested in creative art and/or technology. The study programme is suitable for students who wish to focus on the use of different technologies, and those who wish to develop their skills in digital content production. It is a cross-disciplinary program where both technical and creative thinking is needed. To develop interactive digital VR and AR content there is a need to understand the underlying technology as well as digital art. 

The applicants are interested in enrolling for the industrial, education or edutainment environment and have an educational background within industry standard 3D application, game development, user interface for both mobile platform application and traditional computer platforms, Audio Video planning, design and integration or Audio Video systems design. 


  • A Norwegian bachelor’s degree or an education recognized as being equivalent to a Norwegian bachelor’s degree.
  • Your degree from higher education must include at least 80 ECTS credits or equivalent in game technology, 3D Animation, digital art, computer science, game design or similar fields.

English Language requirements

Applicants must document their proficiency in English at a certain level.

The English language requirements applies to all except applicants native to UK, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, Australia or the nordic countries, who do not require to document any language proficiency.

You will find the list of accepted courses and minimum scores accepted here.



Based on the application, applicants who meet the admission criteria could be invited for an admission interview for further approval. Candidates will be selected based on their qualifications and experience, and outcomes of the formal interview when conducted. Candidates are responsible of their own application and interview costs.

Søkere rangeres etter forskrift om opptak, studier og eksamen ved Universitetet i Innlandet
Relevans for arbeidsliv og videre studier

The programme immerses students directly into a professional context through real world projects. A problem-based teaching approach promotes entrepreneurial thinking and knowledge. 

The students get the skills needed to be successful in creating VR & AR content for industry and education. These skills will also enable students to work in fields like architecture and product visualization, game creation, multimedia design, and broadcast media. The education also provides knowledge that may form a basis for continued work in the education sector and in research and development work. 

The study programme provides competence in combining relevant up to date digital tools, techniques, methods, forms of expression and concepts relating to creative processes in VR and AR production. The programme also provides good specialisation in a field, but at the same time also broad knowledge to make the students more attractive for working life and equipped for the technological future. The program focuses on content creation for edutainment, industry and education. The education give the applicants opportunity to work on the next generation of edutainment solutions that combine innovative entertainment concepts with the world’s leading VR and AR knowledge transfer software. To develop mission critical training applications for areas such as Energy, Medical and Industrial, and to develop new virtual labs, lead pilot projects, and roll-out virtual 3D learning environments.

As of 2023, students completing this program with an average grade of C or better, is pre-qualified to apply for the second year of the planned future master's degree at the Game School, planned started fall of 2024. Admitted students with this pre-qualification will follow a specialized track for incorporation in the master program.

The students may also apply for a two-year theoretical Master’s degree programme in Digital Communication at Inland University of Applied Sciences (IUAS). It is also possible to take relevant further education abroad.


The teaching in all courses will be given in English. 

Informasjons- og kildekompetanse

The students are to develop skills in finding and using high quality academic and professional information resources in their subject fields, during both their education and their professional practice. Information literacy is the ability to localise, evaluate and use information and academic subject material to satisfy one’s own needs. This is key academic and professional competence and the basis for lifelong learning. The University Library offers instruction in information literacy both on campus and over the Internet (linked to a new web-based resource page). The teaching places emphasis on reference techniques, source criticism, plagiarism and specialised subject search. All students are expected to be critical to information sources and to use these sources correctly in all written and practical work throughout their studies.  

Information literacy will be relevant for all of the study programme’s courses where written and practical reports and reasons for academic and professional decisions are part of the assignment. Information literacy will be a natural part of the study program. 

Forskningsbasert undervisning

The study programme keeps up-to-date by using new literature, new technology, research and methods. 

The students have the opportunity to work with internal and external partners on research and development projects linked to the education. 


Du må betale semesteravgift hvert semester. Mer om semesteravgift.

Alle studenter må kjøpe eget VR headset før studiestart. VR headsetet må være av type Quest 1 eller 2. Har du spørsmål angående utstyr til studiet, send det til spillskolen@inn.no.



Graded letter marks are used, from A – F, where E is the lowest pass grade. Varied assessment forms are used, both written individual school examinations and individual and group-based portfolio assessments. The examination can be given in Norwegian. 

Sist revidert: 
Virtual and Augmented Reality
Fakultet for audiovisuelle medier og kreativ teknologi
Institutt for spillutdanninger - Spillskolen
Videreutdanning lavere grad (800-LN)
Godkjent dato
Torsdag, 12. januar 2017
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