Bachelor in Digital Forensics

Bachelor in Digital Forensics

  • Study Facts
    • Area of Study
    • ECTS
    • NQF Level
      Bachelor's degree (Level 6 1. Cycle)
    • Campus
      Kristiansand, Online
    • Study Mode
      Full-time, Online
    • Entry Requirements
    • Study Programme Leader
      Emlyn Butterfield

Noroff University College (NUC) offers awards that specialise in the utilisation of digital technology. The objective of the Bachelor in Digital Forensics (DIFO) is to provide you with an understanding of the forensic analysis of digital systems, the methods and techniques that can be applied, and to develop you into future digital investigators and incident responders.There is an increasing level of commercial interest in this area as industry comes under more sustained cyber-attacks. Current trends suggest an expansion in the number of digital devices as society continues to increase their reliance on technology, from automobiles to implanted medical devices, which hold potential evidence of user activities. Experts are required to identify, extract, and interpret information from these types of devices.

This degree programme will help you develop the required skills to act as a digital forensic investigator/incident responder, who is competent in the collection, processing, secure handling, and analysis of digital evidence from a variety of sources. You will receive instruction on the full life cycle of a digital investigation, which will encompass the collection of evidence from a crime scene, through the analysis to the final production of a final report.Throughout your studies you build upon this developing skill set with your own research projects, resulting in a comptence ready for either employment or advanced postgraduate study.

Your studies will challenge you to develop a scientific, rigorous approach to your work. This will enable you to not only solve issues posed as part of the course but also to address unforeseen problems once employed as a digital forensic investigator, or incident responder. The field of digital forensics is ever evolving, you are on the first step towards an exciting career.

The degree programme prepares you for a career in the Digital Forensics and Incident Response industry, working with small consultancies or large organisations, including the legal sector. It also prepares you for a career in the IT sector including computer security, network management, and systems analysis within business, voluntary or public sectors. Upon graduation, students will have developed a high level of competency in a variety of specific tools and techniques, along with a solid foundation of competencies supporting lifelong learning throughout their careers. Graduates will have several key attributes:

  1. A deep understand and practical application of a digital forensic investigative skillset.
  2. A broad perspective of problems / issues surrounding:
    • Technology,
    • Human factors (socially aware)
    • Procedural issues (the interaction between a and b)
  3. A high degree of problem-solving skills.4)A high legal, ethical, and moral standard.
Aims of the Degree Programme

This degree programme aims to develop individuals with a holistic understanding of key practices, principles and procedures of digital forensics investigations and incident response. Through a blend of skills and practical experience in investigating digital systems the individuals are able to identify the who, what, where and when.

The programme develops and equips students as digital investigators with the necessary skills to process numerous forms of digital evidence. It will challenge individuals to develop a scientific, methodical, and rigorous approach to their work. This will enable them to not only solve issues posed as part of the learning but also to address unforeseen problems once employed as a digital forensic investigator and other future careers. The specialisation builds upon the practise and procedures explored in earlier courses thorough exploration of the different types of file systems and data types. Students then explore investigative practices and tools before examining novel platforms in their final year. Students will have the opportunity to further develop practical aspects of their competence in the Studio courses where they are encouraged to further explore issues raised in the programme.

Graduates will therefore have a high level of proficiency in a wide range of skills in problem-solving, digital forensics, network infrastructures, system design and development, operating and file system analysis, network security and incident response. The degree programme has been specifically designed to equip students with the practical and theoretical understanding and principles required to excel in the digital forensics’ domain.The subject material will enable graduates to go on to postgraduate study in the area and will also enable them to fulfil several distinct employment titles.

Entry Requirements

For general admission it is required to document the following criteria as passed:

  • Higher Education Entrance Qualification, and
  • Candidates must be able to document proficiency in the English language.
    Language requirements by Samordna Opptak

Special admission requirements:
In addition to the general admission requirements, it is required to document the following:

  • Mathematics R1 (or S1+S2)

For admission on basis of prior learning and work experience:
Admission based on prior experience requires a written application for evaluation. Applicable candidates must be at least 25 years of age in the year of admission.

For candidates with foreign education the requirements for Higher Education are:

  • The country must be recognized by NOKUT, specified in the GSU-list.
  • Candidates must be able to document proficiency in the English language.
    Language requirements by Samordna Opptak

For further information, please see the admission requirements:

Campus and Online Study

All students follow the same progression according to their education plan, irrespective of whether they study online or on campus. All students study the courses at the same time, with the same delivery and workload, following identical assessment strategies for every course. At the study level no distinction is therefore made between campus and online students. All students are required to engage in live education sessions (such as lectures) and undertake all required educational activities.

Students are encouraged to interact with each other via online forums and chat systems, enabling discussions to take place involving both online and campus students. Each student cohort is therefore a single learning community, concurrently engaging in all educational activities irrespective of actual physical location. Throughout all educational sessions course staff actively encourage participation from campus and online students simultaneously, and do not focus solely on those who are physically present.

This tight integration of campus and online ensures students will be part of a cohesive learning community throughout their study. As a result, this also means that should students personal situations change during their studies, and they must change their mode of study from online to campus (or vice versa) this can be done with little to no disruption to their studies.

Opportunities for Further Studies

Undertaking some period of study at an international educational institution can result in many benefits to those who take part, including:

  • Language and general competence in the destination country and culture
  • Development of personal and professional networks in other parts of the world
  • Personal growth and holistic development.

All students are eligible to apply to undertake a period of study at an international university. All international study opportunities are subject to the application processes and admissions requirements of the international institution, in addition to an evaluation of the suitability of the proposed study exchange within the students’ study at NUC. Full details of international study opportunities and the application process is available to all students within the LMS.

April 19th, 2012
Last revision date: 
June 2022