UC2MA205 Mathematics 2

UC2MA205 Mathematics 2

  • Course description
    • NQF Level
      Bachelor's degree (Level 6 1. Cycle)
    • Area of Study
    • Program of Study
      Digital Forensics and Incident Response
    • ECTS
    • Campus
      Kristiansand, OnlinePLUS - Bergen, OnlinePLUS - Oslo, Online
    • Course Leader
      Emlyn Butterfield

Language of Instruction and assessment: English
May be offered on Campus and Online.
May be offered as a separate course.

Included in the following bachelor's degrees:

  • Digital Forensics and Incident Management
Course Aim(s)

This course aims to enhance a student’s mathematical understanding and apply mathematical concepts and techniques to computing-related scenarios. The course outcomes include knowledge of statistical interpretation of data, probability measurement in datasets, and hypothesis testing. Students will gain skills in data interpretation, dealing with data uncertainty, and defining and evaluating hypotheses. Furthermore, they will demonstrate their ability to apply mathematics to solve domain-specific problems and present solutions clearly and appropriately.

Course Learning Outcomes

The student has knowledge of

K1 statistical interpretation of provided data.
K2 probability measurement within a range of datasets.
K3 hypothesis testing and its application to the wider subject field.

The student gain skills in

S1 statistical interpretation of data and significance of the data analysis in terms confidence and P values.
S2 probability measurement to deal with uncertainty of data.
S3 define Hypothesis and its evaluations.
General Competence

The student can demonstrate

G1 the application of mathematics to solving domain specific problems.
G2 clearly and appropriately present solutions to a variety of mathematics problems and challenges.
Course Topics
  • Sampling and Distribution
  • Descriptive Statistics
  • Probability of Uncertainty
Teaching Methods
  1. Teaching will be based on a hybrid-flexible approach. Instructor-led face-to-face learning is combined with online learning in a flexible course structure that gives students the option of attending sessions in the classroom, participating online, or doing both.
  2. All activities require active student participation in their own learning.
  3. Learning delivery methods and available resources will be selected to ensure constructive alignment with course content, learning outcomes and assessment criteria.
  4. Students will be taught using a mixture of guidance, self-study, and lecture material. Topics will be introduced in a series of weekly lectures. The guidance sessions will be directed practical exercises and reading in which students can explore topics with support from a teacher. This material will also require students to self-manage their time to ensure tasks are completed and the theory is fully understood. This will allow the students to fully engage with lectures and with their peers.
Resources and Equipment
  1. Learning resources are available in the LMS and include, but is not limited to:
    • literature and online reading material (essential and recommended)
    • streams, recordings and other digital resources, where applicable
    • video conferencing and communication platforms, if applicable
    • tools, software and libraries, where applicable
  2. Students must have access to an internet connection, and suitable hardware.
    • Accessing live streams and virtual laboratories requires a minimum broadband connection of 2Mbps (4Mbps recommended).
  3. Students working on their own laptop/computer are required to acquire appropriate communications software, e.g., webcam, microphone, headphones.
Prerequisite Knowledge

UC1MA110 Mathematics 1, or equivalent course(s).

Reading List

The reading list for this course and any additional electronic resources will be provided in the LMS.

Study Workload

125 nominal hours.
Study workload applies to both Campus and Online students.

Teacher-led activity
Teacher-supported work