ECOCON Ecology and Evolution

Ecology and Evolution

    • Number of credits
    • Part-time/full-time
    • Start semester
      2026 Spring
    • Language of instruction
    • Campus
Programme structure and content

We offer four courses to complete the present study program of 30 ECTS  

  • Ecology and Management of Freshwater Ecosystems (7,5) 
  • Wildlife Ecology (7,5) 
  • Wildlife research (7,5) 
  • Evolution (7,5) 
Course Models

The study is a full time basic study at the bachelor level extending 4 months and consisting of 30 ECTS credits.  

About the study


Sustainable use and management of natural resources are one of the most pressing challenges that the world is facing nowadays. And the need for increased knowledge on how to manage wildlife is more crucial than ever. With a combination of lectures, discussions and hands-on field work this study program aim to provide this knowledge with focus on particular aspects of ecology, research and management of boreal wildlife and freshwater ecosystems. 

The program consists of four different modules: Wildlife Research provides a sound base on how to conduct an ecological scientific study from identifying relevant research and management questions, planning and conducting data collection in the field and presenting the results. The modules Wildlife Ecology and Ecology and Management of Freshwater Ecosystems aims at providing broad knowledge to ecological questions related to boreal wildlife and the main fish species in Nordic freshwater, together with good insight in important concepts and questions in research and management of those. Evolution provides an evolutionary context to current wildlife management and conservation issues. 

Learning Outcome

A candidate with fulfilled qualifications will have the following learning outcomes: 

Learning outcome - Knowledge

 The candidate 

  • has knowledge about ecological and evolutionary theory with special emphasis on boreal wildlife 
  • has knowledge about the ecology and management of freshwater ecosystems 
  • has knowledge about current issues and scientific methods in ecology and wildlife research 
Learning outcome - Skills

The candidate  

  • has the capacity of planning and carrying out a minor scientific study  
  • has the capacity to apply basic statistical methods and analytically and critically interpret scientific results  
  • has the capacity to apply ecological knowledge to assess management strategies and processes. 
  • has the capacity to search for, utilize, discuss and present relevant research literature.    
Learning outcome - General competence

The candidate 

  • has the capacity to exchange ideas about and critically discuss different methods used in research and management of wildlife.  
  • Is able to apply their knowledge of evolutionary processes and adaptions to theoretical and practical questions within ecology and wildlife management. 
Teaching and working methods

All courses provide a combination of lectures, practical exercises and seminars. Students are challenged to present their work in an oral form during the course and to work both individually and in a team. The intensive schedule, with each course lasting ca 8 weeks prior to the exam, gives the opportunity to develop a close contact between teachers and students. Practical exercises in the field are a good opportunity for students to learn to work together and realize the challenges of data collection in the field.

Target group

We primarily target international students and professionals that have a dedicated interest in wildlife and the interaction between man and the environment. 

Admission requirements

To enter the study program, it is required that the student can confirm to have fulfilled at least one year at a university or university college within the fields of wildlife biology, biology, ecology, evolution, forestry, agriculture, environmental sciences or likewise.

Admission ranking
Applicants to the study are ranked according to the Regulations on Admission, Programmes of study and Examinations at Inland University

The program targets international students who can complement the study program in their home country with a deep insight into the Nordic nature and sustainable use of natural resources.  A mixed class of international and national students has the added value of an inter-cultural exchange regarding global issues of sustainable use and management of natural resources

Information- and source competence

The students should develop their skills in searching, evaluating, and referencing information in their scientific work. These are important qualifications for lifelong-learning. Together with the academic environment, the library offers classes on searching for information, evaluating the information you find, as well as correct use of sources. We expect all students to have a critical attitude towards information, and to use the information correctly in all their scientific work. The rules regarding correct use of sources are described in «Forskrift om opptak, studier og eksamen ved Høgskolen i Innlandet»

Assessment methods

The candidate will be evaluated by written assignments, oral presentations and by the final exam in each course.  

Last revision date: 
Area of study
Matematisk-naturvitenskapelige fag/informatikk
Programme of study
30 ECTS Programme in Ecology and Evolution
Faculty of Applied Ecology, Agricultural Sciences and Biotechnology
Department of Forestry and Wildlife Management
Approved date
Wednesday, 19. November 2008
Approval signature