SKDK4000 Theory and Method

    • Course code
    • Number of credits
    • Teaching semester
      2024 Autumn
    • Language of instruction
    • Campus
    • Required prerequisite knowledge


Course content
  • Central perspectives on the philosophy of science and knowledge, especially within the humanities and social sciences
  • Epistemological questions regarding topics such as knowledge, truth and causation
  • Placing philosophies of science and knowledge ontologically
  • Qualitative and quantitative scientific approaches to the production of knowledge

Learning Outcome

Upon successful completion of the course, the student will have achieved the following learning outcomes: 


The student

  • possesses advanced knowledge about what science, scholarship and knowledge can be
  • possesses advanced knowledge about different perspectives within the philosophy of science and the humanities and relevant central terminology
  • possesses advanced knowledge about qualitative approaches to performing research in line with central perspectives within the philosophy of science and the humanities
  • possesses advanced knowledge about basic principles for quantitative method
  • possesses advanced knowledge about relevant issues regarding research ethics 

The student

  • can work independently with relevant philosophical and methodological questions
  • can analyse scientific and scholarly texts in view of perspectives on the philosophy of science and the humanities and methodology
  • can reflect independently on current norms within research ethics
  • can analyse and critically assess methodology in published academic works, and apply these skills in the composition and formulation of their own arguments
General competence

The student

  • can communicate about issues within the philosophy of science and the humanities and methodology
  • can disseminate their own and others’ scholarship responsibly
  • can analyse relevant issues within research ethics and issues attached to the societal role and function of science and knowledge
Teaching and working methods
  • Lectures in gatherings and online
  • Literature studies, individually and in groups
  • Online study forms such as discussions and seminars
  • Using the INN learning platform 

All courses are subject to evaluation. The time, date and method of this evaluation is decided by the course coordinator in consultation with student representatives. The course coordinator is responsible for ensuring that the evaluation is carried out.

Required coursework
  • A minimum of 75% attendance, according to the teaching plan. The student is responsible for registering attendance
  • Active participation in online seminars
  • Up to two individual written tasks that document explorations of perspectives within the philosophy of science and the humanities and/or central terms within the philosophy of science and the humanities
Form of assessmentGrading scaleGroupingDuration of assessmentSupport materialsProportionComment
Home exam
3 Day(s)
Form of assessment
  • Individual written home exam over three days with a given task, 2500-300 words (not counting references). Both language and contents must be deemed satisfactory to achieve a passing grade.
  • The exam is graded on a scale from A to F. A is the highest pass grade and E is the lowest pass grade.

Permitted examination support material

  • Syllabus literature
  • All printed and written resources
  • Generated text and content is to be clearly marked and academically justified 
Faculty of Education
Area of study
Programmer som ikke passer i noen av de nevnte kategoriene ovenfor
Programme of study
Master's Degree in Digital Communication and Culture
Course level
Second degree level (500-HN)