6AE121 Wildlife Research

    • Number of credits
    • Teaching semester
      2026 Spring
    • Language of instruction
    • Campus
Course content
  • Scientific study design 
  • Data collection methods 
  • Own field work around Evenstad (snow tracking & camera trapping)
  • Describing and exploring data 
  • Basic data visualisation and analysis in EXCEL, GIS, and R
  • Scientific reading and writing 

Learning Outcome

A candidate with fulfilled qualifications will have the following learning outcome: 


The candidate: 

  • knows what constitutes a scientific study 
  • is acquainted with different methods used in wildlife research for monitoring populations and biodiversity 
  • knows about basic visualisation and statistical methods to present data
  • understands some of the pitfalls, difficulties, and risks of collecting own data in the field
  • understands the importance of ethics in research

The candidate is able to: 

  • design and conduct a minor wildlife research study 
  • plan, organize and conduct data collection in the field 
  • apply basic visualisation and statistical analysis of field data
  • can present a study and it's key results in a scientific report 
  • is able to read scientific literature and discuss own results in the light of other publications 
General competence

The candidate can:

  • conduct small wildlife research projects from design to report 
  • exchange ideas about and critically discuss different methods used in wildlife research 
  • reflect about shortcomings of wildlife research project designs and datasets
  • reflect ethical questions regarding wildlife research
Teaching and working methods
  • Lectures
  • Data collection / field work
  • Group assignments   
  • Reports 
  • Presentation
Required coursework
  • Participation in training & data collection associated with 2 different group assignments (90%)
  • One group report (failed/passed) 
Form of assessment
  • One group report (60%)
  • One individual assignment (40 %) 

Grading according to ECTS-system on scale A-E for passed and F for failed


Faculty of Applied Ecology, Agricultural Sciences and Biotechnology
Department of Forestry and Wildlife Management