2SPF101 Gamification

    • Number of credits
    • Teaching semester
      2026 Spring
    • Language of instruction
    • Campus
    • Required prerequisite knowledge

      Recommended: 2SPILL101-Game Design, 2SPIS212-Game and Systems Thinking, and basic programming knowledge

Used in other programs
  • Bachelor's Degree in Game Technology and Simulation
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Music Performance
Course content

Gamification is the use of game thinking and game technology in a non-game-based context. The course is both practically and theoretically oriented, focusing on gamifying a reality-based data set for use in teaching or visualisation. 

Central topics: 

  • gamification 

  • developing a gamification product  

  • opportunities and market for gamification products 

Learning Outcome

Once the student has passed the course, they will have achieved the following learning outcomes: 


The student 

  • has extensive knowledge of central topics, theories, issues, processes, tools and methods related to gamification 

  • is acquainted with research and development work relating to gamification  

  • has knowledge of the subject area’s history, traditions, characteristics and place in society  

  • has knowledge of the social aspects of gamification 


The student 

  • is able to apply scientific knowledge and relevant results from research and development work to practical and theoretical issues in order to develop gamification using an appropriate game engine 

  • is able to reflect on their own professional practice and adapt it under supervision  

  • is able to find, evaluate and refer to information and academic material, and present it so that it sheds light on an issue 

  • is fully conversant with relevant professional tools, techniques and forms of expression  

  • is able to update their knowledge on gamification 

General competence

The student 

  • is able to exchange points of view and experiences with others with a background from the subject area and thus contribute to the development of good practice  

  • is acquainted with new thinking and innovation processes 

Teaching and working methods

The course is organised as a combination of lectures, practical exercises and supervision. 

Throughout the course, students will do practical work on a gamification project individually and in groups. 

Required coursework
  • 2-4 group assignments

In this course, the required coursework is only valid for 12 months from the end of the semester it was last approved. Students who wish to do the exam after the 12 months have passed have to redo the coursework and get it approved again.

Form of assessment
  • Folder assignment in groups with adjusting oral exam

The oral exam can adjust the final grade one whole grade up or down.

In the case of group examinations, all group members share responsibility for the full content of the assignment/product/performance.

Form of assessmentGrading scaleGroupingDuration of assessmentSupport materialsProportionComment
Portfolio Assessment
Oral examination
Adjusting oral exam
Faculty for Film, TV and Games
Department of Game Development - The Game School