ADK2009 Concept Art & Motion Design III

    • Number of credits
    • Teaching semester
      2026 Autumn
    • Language of instruction
    • Campus
    • Required prerequisite knowledge

      Recommended: ADK2008 Concept Art & Motion Design II, and the prerequisites of ADK2008 Concept Art & Motion Design II

Used in other programs
  • Bachelor's Degree in Animation and Digital Art
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Music Performance
Course content
  • Graphic animation
  • Video portfolio
  • Personal branding
  • Post-production
  • Interactivity
  • Exhibition/demo reel

Learning Outcome

Upon completing the course, the student will have achieved the following learning outcomes:


The student:

  • has broad and advanced knowledge of animated graphics
  • has broad knowledge of concept art for use in games, animation, advertising, as illustration, and information design
  • has broad knowledge to develop and execute design projects by combining relevant digital tools, techniques, methods, and forms of expression in relation to concept art
  • has broad knowledge of formal-aesthetic techniques in relation to the development of digital visual expressions and design
  • has broad knowledge of idea and concept development
  • has broad knowledge of the theory, methods, and production process of concept art, motion design, and setup in a game engine
  • has broad knowledge of cinematic narratives and digital storytelling
  • has broad knowledge of structuring their own portfolio
  • has broad knowledge of visualization and presentation in a game engine

The student:

  • can present and communicate design intentions at a professional level
  • can translate and interpret experiences visually, emotionally, and aesthetically through various design and drawing techniques
  • can express themselves visually as a common basis for communication, in dialogue with others
  • can create a video portfolio to demonstrate their knowledge in conceptual art and motion design
  • can present objects, situations, and characters in unique, recognizable, memorable, and appealing ways
  • can make reflective aesthetic choices and clearly communicate creative design processes
  • can utilize principles in visual art and animation
  • can produce high-quality concept art and motion design
  • can present visual work, 2D and 3D, static and animated, in a game engine
General competence

The student:

  • has insight into relevant professional and ethical issues and can contribute to a professional community
  • can plan and carry out a major task over time in accordance with guidelines
Teaching and working methods

The course is structured as a combination of lectures, practical exercises, continuous submissions, self-study, and supervision. Throughout the course, students work individually on an assignment. Students are required to produce a demo reel.

Required coursework
  • 2-4 individual assignments

Compulsory requirements that have been passed are valid for only 12 months. Students who wish to take exams after 12 months must pass the compulsory work requirements again in the next regular implementation of the course.

Form of assessment
  • 1 individual portfolio that must be completed for presentation at the Game School Expo. The portfolio counts for 100% of the final grade.
Form of assessmentGrading scaleGroupingDuration of assessmentSupport materialsProportionComment
Portfolio Assessment
Faculty for Film, TV and Games
Department of Game Development - The Game School